10. What you want

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Calum P.O.V.
I sat down at the table with everyone's eyes on me.
"What the hell man?" Michael said. Luke glanced towards us but knew better not to get involved.
"What?" I raised my eyebrows although I already know what's wrong.
"Gwen! What's up with that?"
"Uh, nothing" He saw right through my lie and raised his eyebrows even more.
"Ok, ok. When I got in the fight, she took me in. And she was my partner for English. That's it." I looked down to my food and stuffed a handful of chips in my mouth, to avoid having to talk.
"Alright" he said, but his eyes were saying "we'll talk later". I rolled my eyes and kept eating. Throughout lunch, he kept looking at her in a way that was unsettled and made part of me a little mad. Gwen was speaking fast as girls leaned in to listen, smiling once and a while. Michael looked to me and then to her before throwing out his lunch and leaving the lunch room. Gwen looked up to him as he stormed out and then her questioning eyes met mine. She must've known what I was thinking since she nodded and looked back to Kayla who seemed like she was questioning her about something.
"What's up with him anyways?" Luke asked, sticking a fry into his mouth.
"Who knows" I shrugged and he nodded, leaving it alone. Michael always has problems with whoever I date. I never got it. His always budging his was in my relationships like an over protective mom or something. I definitely not gonna let him get in between this one. He can ruin it all, just like last time. But whatever because it can't happen anyways. I won't let it.

Gwen P.O.V.
I had caught a red headed boy across from Calum stare at me a couple times. Something about him was familiar but I couldn't pick it out. Maybe I knew him. But that's not possible... Nobody moves from New Jersey to Australia. After a whole class period thinking about it, my head started to pound as I tried to dig through my memories. But I don't have many of them, considering I moved place to place so much. And also cause I can't mentally, physically remember anything before the age of 12. I can't remember because of my memory loss. I never have told anyone, and I don't plan on it. A little part of me was telling me that I knew the red headed boy but I let it be as the headache increased.

Turns out my mom is coming back tomorrow, not Wednesday. I was kinda upset but happy to see her. I tell my mom everything so I needed to vent to her big time. My mind kept wandering to Calum as I watched tv on my couch by myself. Why does he just push me out so much. First he's just insulting me then he told me he's not good for me. Now he's trying to bribe me not to be with him... I fought with myself to let it go and to let him do whatever he wants to do. And not to get attached. But my heart ached. Something about him just grabbed me and kept me captivated. I can never put a finger on it, but it's something he can't get me from leaving.

~~~~~Next Day~~~~
Calum wasn't at school so it was pretty calm. Everyone was still buzzing about us but I ignored it. By the middle of the day I actually found myself missing him.. Ugh. But I was just happy to tell my mom everything. I ran into my house and saw her waiting at the door. "MOM!" I ran up and gave her a long hug. We talked for a couple minutes before I brought Calum up. I explained everything, without her saying a word. I was out of breath the time I finished and she had a confused look on her face.
"Well I don't blame you for being confused but I feel like this is the beginning of something great for you G. I haven't seen you talk about someone like this before. I can see it in your eyes that he makes you happy. I may not be that found of him but I don't care because of you love him, I will learn to love him too." I smiled and nodded. I had a feeling she would say he was a horrible boy. But at the same time, my mom is nicer than that. Before I knew it, it was already 10. Me and my mom were still talking when my phone when off. It was an incoming call from Calum. My mom grinned at me as I rolled my eyes sarcastically and walked to the kitchen.
"Hello?" He coughed and then cleared his throught before talking.
"Hey. My mom gave me a whole talk about you today. And now she's forcing me to invite you over for dinner tomorrow." I heard a voice yelling at him to be polite and I couldn't help but laugh.
"Am I on speaker phone?"
"Yeah." He sounded defeated so I laughed again.
"Thank you so much Mrs. Hood! I would love to come to dinner tomorrow night. Thank you for asking" I was very impressed by how professional that sounded.
"Why you're very welcome. You can call me Joy, I look forward to meeting you!" She had a very happy mom voice that made me smile. First name basis is a good sign on my part.
"Me too, well it's getting late and I don't want to hold you up. Thank you I'll see you tomorrow!"
"See ya Gwen!" And with that the phone call ended, and so did my calmness.

Calum P.O.V.
The second I hung up the phone from Gwen, my phone started ringing again. I saw that it was Michael and I sighed before picking it up and walking to my room.
"Hello?" I sat on my bed and stared at my posters.
"Hey. Soo Gwen."
"Gwen." I confirmed to his silent question.
"No." I sighed and continued.
"She's bad."
"You don't know her."
"And nether do you" I silenced as I let that sink in... How much do I know about her?
"Well I sure as hell know more than you."
"Sure you do."
"Shut up."
"What the hell do you want from me Michael?"
There was a long silence before he answered.

AUTHORS NOTE; Sorry for the short chapter guys, but this is more like a filler, don't give up yetttt

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