Chapter 18 - Unleashed

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Somewhere in the darkness of the cellar, Mia is curled up in a corner, whispering to herself unintelligibly.



The forest is dark and quiet. The rain has stopped now.

In the distance, the cabin looks like it's choked by hundreds of trees.



A light goes on inside the tool shed.

Eric is propped up on a wood bench, resting against a wall, totally in shock. He applies pressure to the wound in his ribs. Blood gushes out sporadically.

Natalie watches his fearfully, hugging herself.

David opens a rusty first-aid kit. There's only a bit of alcohol, some gauze and a few Band-aids inside.

"Shit. This thing is fucking empty."

David looks at a roll of duct tape. "Fuck it."

He reaches for the tape and puts it on the bench next to Eric.

David opens the bottle of alcohol, then pours it over Eric's wound. He cleans it with the gauze as Eric braces himself against the pain.

"You're losing a lot of blood... Natalie, I need you to run to the cabin and fill a jug with water and sugar. Right now."

Natalie agrees, nervously. She takes a plastic jug from a nearby shelf and heads for the exit.

Eric suddenly reacts. "Natalie..."

Natalie turns around. Every word he speaks physically hurts him.

"Stay away from the cellar... Stay away from Mia!"

Natalie turns to David, looking at him, wondering what to do.

"Go!" David demands.

Natalie nods nervously and runs to the cabin.

David douses a damp towel in more alcohol. "Hold it against your skin."

David uses a long stretch of duct tape off with his teeth. He uses it to bind the towel to Eric's ribs.

"David, listen to me..." Eric is pale, his face bathed in sweat and blood. "This is all my fault, David.."

David continues applying duct tape to his ribs. He looks at him with a confused face. "Eric, it must've been an accident. I'm sure you didn't want to... hurt her."

"I'm not talking about that, David. That... thing I killed wasn't Olivia. It wasn't her."

David stoically rips another piece of tape off with his teeth and continues bandaging him. "You need to calm down buddy..."

"I read a passage from that book. It was some kind of... dark prayer."

David looks him straight in the eyes.

"It unleashed something, David. Something evil."


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