Chapter 3 - Bye Bye Drugs

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All five friends gather around the old well now.  They look as serious as if they were at a funeral.

"Um, dearly beloved? Ha ha." Mia has a serious, but yet sarcastic, humorous look on her face. "Thanks, guys, for driving out to Bumblefuck to support me. There's no way I could do this alone."

Mia takes a small nylon sack out of the pocket of her sweatshirt. It holds a few grams of some kind of yellow powder.

She extends her hand, and the bag, over the well, speaking in an exaggeratedly solemn tone. "May my friends, family, and "soon to be" family, witness this act, an irrevocable promise of my commitment, that..."

She can't go on. She swallows. This is harder than she thought.

Eric gently touches her arm, offering his support.

She nods her head left to right. "Fuck it."

She opens the bag, letting the drugs fall into the well. "I promise. To not. Fucking. Touch. This. Shit. Ever. Again."

Mia lets the empty bag drop. Everybody is completely silent for a few moments.

Mia takes a deep breath. "Let's play cold turkey."

The words echo in the well. David peers into the void. "I know some slugs that are going to party tonight."

Mia gets up and walks away, Eric following behind.

"I'll help you bring stuff in, Mia." Eric offers.

David stays next to the well taking the moment in, Natalie close to him.

"Okay guys, here's the Detox 101 rundown: It's going to take THREE DAYS for her to get through the hard withdrawal. But we're talking about the worst three days of her life. In a couple of hours, she's gonna start experiencing extreme muscle soreness, vomiting, chills, paranoia, hallucina--"

David interrupts, "Yeah, I know, I've seen it in the movies."

Natalie jumps in, "Why three days?"

Olivia turns to Natalie, "Because after that, the pain subsides. And she'll be off the hook for good."

David stands up. "She'll make it, right?"

Olivia gives him a weak smile and nods. "She'll be fine."

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