Chapter 14 - Mia?

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Rain keeps falling over the isolated cabin. David works on the front porch fixing the main door.

White pages filled random words are scattered around the book. Eric is studying it very closely now, taking notes and transcribing passed into paper.

A drawing catches his attention.

A woman with black eyes in the middle of the forest, raising her arms high. In front of her, a four legged beast watches what she does.

"I thought I told you to throw that thing away." Olivia says, walking into the master bedroom with her usual cup of coffee. She takes a sip and grimaces.

"You don't understand. This may be a real find. It looks like some kind of archaic spiritism manual. I still can't even fingure out what language it is. I'm taking some notes, maybe guys from the school library can tell me something about it. Could be worth some serious dough. Or a little credibility in the halls of academe--"

"Yeah, why don't you put down that and help your best buddy out there?"

"I don't know who you're talking about."

"Come on, don't act like you don't give a fuck about him. I know you do." Olivia gives him a firm look.

"Well, I think we can all agree that he didn't give a fuck about us all for the past freaking century."

"Well, he is here now."

"Yeah. Truly amazing."

Eric stays on the book.


CHAP! A nail is pounded into the frame of the front door. Then another. And another.

David wields a NAIL GUN and finishes fixing the spot where the door was forced open.

When he finishes, he shakes his head, rubs his eyes, and stays right where he is for a few moments, looking at the floor.


David darts through the rain towards the tool shed, carrying extension cords.

When he's about to open the door, something catches his eyes--

The chain tying Grandpa to the shed is hanging from the door handle.


David looks around for the dog. It's rainging hard now and it's difficult to see more than a foot or two in any direction.

David walks the perimeter of the tool shed. He finds an enormous patch of blood in the grass; it's being washed away by the rain.

He follows the trail of blood, which leads him right to a FOX HOLE a few steps from the tool shed.

David, extremely nervous, peeks into it.

"Grandpa? You in there?"

David spots Grandpa laying a few feet deeper inside the hole.

"Fuck... Grandpa! Wake up, boy! Come on, wake up!"

But the dog doesn't move.

David turns on the light inside the tool shed. There's a metal table in the center of it, old paint cans filled with nails and rusty tools scattered about.

David desperately pushes boxes and trash away from the wall.

He discovers the other end of the fox hole, leading right into the tool shed. He looks down and finds--


He reaches down and yanks the animal out of the hole by the collar.

"Oh, no, no, no.. Fuck. No!"

The dog's neck is covered in blood.

"No, Grandpa, my god, no.. Damned coyotes! What the hell were you doing?"

David breaks down in tears, hugging the lifeless body of his old friend as tightly as he can.

Then, something catches his attention. Right next to him, a couple of bloody human footprints...

Lightning flashes. Behind David, 40 feet away and under heavy rain, a person seems to be standing looking towards him.

David feels something and looks over his shoulder.

The presence is barely discernible. Is this Mia?


David walks out of the shed, wiping tears off his cheeks, and looks around. But there's no one there.

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