Chapter 15 - Impossibilities

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David enters the cabin. Olivia and Natalie have dragged out a pile of ancient board games and are playing Connect Four.

"Where's Mia?" David says with anger.

"She's in the shower." Natalie points to Mia's room.

"What happened?" Olivia says, worried.

David races towards the bathroom.

David pounds on the bathroom door.

"Mia, are you in there?!"

Mia's clothes and bandages are scattered on the floor. There are muddy footprints leading right to the bathtub.

Mia's taking a shower. Her inert arms hang against her painfully thin body. Her hands are covered in BLOOD.

Her arms are a mess of old track marks and fresh puncture wounds.

Her eyes blink at high-speed. We hear pounding on the door.


Mia doesn't answer. She's in a kind of strange trance.

Mia's trembling hand reaches out for the tap. She struggles as she turns the knob to the right--


The flames inside the water heater as they flare up.

The amount of vapor in the room grows rapidly. The tips of Mia's fingers shake, hard.

David keeps pounding on the door.

"Mia, open the door now!"

He sees the vapor pouring out from under the door, and with all his strength RAMS HIS SHOULDER into it. Once, twice, three times.

BOOM! The door opens violently. Amidst all the thick steam David sees Mia sitting in the bathtub.

BOILING WATER falls all around her as she shakes in pain. Part of her hair has fallen off her skull; half of her entire body is a bright, painful red.

"No, no, no, no!"

He races to the bathtub, wraps his own arm in a towel and tries to shut off the tap. The water is boiling hot.


Eric watches from the hallway, terrified.


David's Jeep speeds down the dirt road. The sun has already started going down. He's on his way to the hospital.

Heavy rain slams against the windshield. In the passenger seat, Mia trembles in shock. Enormous bubbles form beneath her skin, especially on her face.

"Why did you have to do that?" David whispers to himself.

Mia just shivers, foam dribbling from her mouth.



Eric quickly flips through the pages of the book. Sweat drips from his forehead. He's looking for something.

He stops when he comes to the image of THE WOMAN IN FRONT OF THE BEAST. He looks at it for a second and turns the page...

What he sees makes him jump back.

Over the page in the left, it's the same woman looking at the sky, her arms FILLED WITH BLEEDING PUNCTURE WOUNDS.

On the right page, she throws a VAT OF BOILING WATER over her naked body.

She has a HORRIFYING SMILE on her face.



The Jeep makes it to the creek. David brakes violently.

He jumps down out of the vehicle, walks a few feet and stops cold beneath the torrential downpour. He can't believe his eyes.

"This can't be happening.. This can't be FUCKING happening!"


The rain has caused the creek to rise so high that the water rushes over the bridge, submerging it beneath a rapid current.

Next, David turns to the car to discovers an even more frightening scene.

Mia, sunk down into the seat, looks toward David with AN ENORMOUS, HORRIFYING GRIN on her face.

The grin turns into a contented laugh, like a little girl happy with a prank she's just pulled.

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