"Hi! I'm Perrie!" She smiles cheerfully, I immediately like her.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ellen!" I shake her hand.

"Yes I know, Zayns told me a lot about you. Apparently you're quite the artist!"

I laugh and blush. "Apparently." I look at Zayn who's watching Perrie intently. Perrie....Perrie. Oh my god, this is Zayns girlfriend!

"Oh, you're his girlfriend aren't you!" I'm the dumbest person ever.

"Sure am." She leans into him and smiles. "So... you're working for Harry?"

"Yeah I am. I mean I'm basically a secretary but the dream is to be an actual artist." I tell her.

"Aren't you eating anything?" Zayn frowns.

"No I forgot lunch." I sigh. "I'm not hungry though." I assure him.

"We should all go out tomorrow for lunch!" Perrie giggles. She's actually adorable.

"Great idea!" Harry pulls over a seat, sitting on it backwards so his legs are out the end where his back should be.

"Harry." Zayn nods a greeting and Harry returns it.

"Funny I don't remember you being part of the equation." My tone is mirroring his in the office earlier, flat and clipped.

"Well I don't remember you having any friends but there you go." He snaps.

"Harry you're such an asshole."

"Speaking of assholes, Zayn." He smirks and Zayn rolls his eyes in a banterous way. They seem to have an ok friendship... If you could even call it that. "You still up for the conference in the Regency on Wednesday?"

I see Zayns face drop. "I uhm... I can't Harry, shit I completely forgot to tell you. Perrie and I are going away that day... For our anniversary. So I can't... but Ellen will go with you." I snap my eyes over to Zayn who looks like a rabbit caught in headlights.

"What?" Harry and I say in unison. Way to throw me in at the deep end Zayn!?

"You'll go... won't you Ellen?" I can tell Zayns pleading with me 43 say yes and I can see the pre disappointment in Perrie eyes, waiting to come through if I saw no.

"Yeah. Sure." I say for the benefit of my friend and his very sweet girlfriends anniversary.

"Fine." Harry growls and stomps away.

I narrow my eyes at Zayn and he gulps. "Sorry?"

When I'm finished my lunch break, without the lunch, I go back up to Harrys studio. This gallery is very well thought out. Every artist here has their own studio, and then all the finished products are either displayed here or sold at an auction by the benefactor. Clever.

"So." I say as soon as I walk in the door. "What kind of conference is this anyway?"

"One I have to attend." He scoffs.

"Are you capable of giving a straight answer?" I snap, putting my hands on my hips.

"Why in fucks name haven't I fired you yet? Jesus Christ!?" He stands up, flinging his arms up.

"Because you need me!" I shout back at him with just as much venom, hoping it is toxic.

He strides over towards me, taking three of my steps in one of his. He pushes me against the wall, pressing his body against me, making me feel exhilarated and wild.

"I don't need you, sweetie." He growls, creating an angry yet heated atmosphere around us. I move one of my legs and he thrusts against me, pinning me back into place. His lip is between his teeth as he edges towards me, and I him. Inches away from ki-

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