Chapter 8

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Wait what?!

Dahlia is a vampire... No way! I just can't believe that. I heard Wolfie sigh I my mind. She is what our kind calls a Dirminal vampire; they are the one and only vampires that can walk in sunlight. They are the vampires who uphold the laws set by the vampire's government, like the police of our world. I continued to sit in the trees shocked at what I had just seen, my wolf was perplexed that she hadn't sensed it before; mad at herself for not sensing the danger. Maybe you hadn't sensed any danger because there was none. I thought trying to calm my wolf. Maybe. My wolf agreed, still unsure. I'm at the cave if you want to come. Wolfie said. I walked at a slow trot to the cave which had been my bedroom for the past few weeks; I always seemed to fall asleep there. When I entered I saw Wolfie sitting next to the blazing fire. He must have turned human to set up the fire... He looked over at me. Come sit by the fire with me. The fire was warm in the coldness of the night. Don't fear your friend, she means you no harm. He said speaking directly to my wolf. Our kind and the Dirminal have always been on good grounds. We have been allies more than once. I felt my wolf finally begin to calm at the words of our Alpha. Sam maybe you should sleep, your exams start tomorrow. Wolfie suggested yeah, I guess your right... closing my eyes I drifted off into a restless sleep. My dreams were incredibly freaky, with tests which chased you until you go everything right only that was impossible because the answer changed every time. Shuddering I woke, sitting up a bit too quickly and had to lay back down until my head stopped spinning. Judging by the sky it was 5am, I had two tests today English and math. Tomorrow was History, Art and gym. Then I'm free. I needed to talk to Dahlia before my test or I'll be thinking about that and not my answers and I really wanted to be able to go to uni. Walking over to the far side of the cave I went into the weather proof bag that I had recently been leaving there. I pulled out some jeans, my David Bowie graphic tee and my converse boots. Since it was only 5 I decided to go for a leisurely walk as I walk through the woods my wolf told me that I wasn't alone, something was approaching me and fast. A man with snow white hair stepped through the closely knit trees; his hair covered most of his face giving off a shy vibe.

"Hey can I help you?" I asked making sure to stay at a safe distance away from him, not wanting to accidently give him the upper hand.

"Umm...wait a minute do I know you?" he said thinking hard. Do I know him? He seemed familiar but I'm not sure... my mind worked in over drive as it worked to remember where I knew him from. Dammit. I thought trying not to show any emotions. He is the white wolf! I have to get out of here, think Sam think!

"Sorry I don't think I know you" I say as I continue walking through the woods, he shrugs his shoulders before walking past me.

"Wait!" he exclaimed grabbing my arm. Yanking my arm out of his grip I started running letting my wolf senses guide the way, my agility served me well as I made it to the edge of the forest within minutes, I could hear him close behind gaining more and more ground. Zigzagging randomly through the remaining trees I tried to lose him, however he was still right on my tail. Hehe, sorry not sorry. Puns are life, why am I trying to explain it to myself again? I said to myself. That was a horrible pun. Wolfie replied to my one-sided rant. Stop criticizing me and come to help you dumbass. Wolfie was silent for what seemed like ages I'll be there soon. Wolfie was at my side in under a minute he pointed his nose over to a hollow log indicating for me to hide. Wolfie grabbed my jumper running off along the tree line he ran against the wind to help confuse the man, from my hiding place I saw the man run into view. After a few short moments of him sniffing the air he ran off in the direction that Wolfie had gone. When my wolf was sure that the cost was clear I stepped out of the hiding place. Running I made my way to Dahlia's house.

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