The Christmas of '10

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Woah I haven't written in what seems like forever, sorry guys... just had a lot on my plate and I seem to be suffering something at the moment, although I don't know what it is it's ruining all the good things in my life... I'll get over it... hopefully.


It was Christmas morning, and one again, unlike all of my friends, I wasn't at all excited. It was the same every year if I'm honest, we woke up, went about our usual day until lunch time, at lunch we had a turkey, or a chicken, this year it was duck for lunch. Sure I got presents and stuff, and I was grateful for them, but it just didn't seem special at all. There is no meaning to Christmas these days. It's just another day of the year where the whole world grinds to a stand still and people spend ridiculous amounts of money on gifts for other people.

This year, my set of gifts were no different to any of the previous years that I can recall. Mother got me a card with some money in it, my aunt sent me a card with a cheque in it, my distant relative, Graham, who I still don't understand my relationship with sent me a card with some money in. The only thing different from the previous years, is what my great nan sent me, usually she sends me some retarded toy, or book, something that I'll never use y'know? For instance, last year I got a magnetic dart board. What is an 18 year old with no friends and no passion for physical activity going to do with a magnetic dart board? But this year, the cheeky old woman sent me a writers set. Containing sheets of paper, a pen, envelopes and a pack of stamps. Upon opening the set, there was a note that was instantly recognisable as my nan's handwriting. Very small, very close together and very intricate. It read "Michael, as you can see I've sent you a writing set, this contains everything you could possibly need to send letters to people. Hopefully I won't have to wait a month for a thank you letter this year". Everyone knew that if you didn't send a thank you letter to nana, you wouldn't get anything next year, I still don't know why I write a letter, it's not like I ever want the things she sends me. But at least I could put this writing set to good use in the future, writing to Rosa or something.

After Christmas dinner, my dad turned up as planned to take me over to his house, this is where Christmas was for me, at my dads house. After the short drive there, I was greeted by their over-excited dog, who even if you left the room and came back in would go crazy and be so happy to see you, it was quite pleasing in a way. I also noticed my nan and grandad there (My dads parents) which could only mean one thing. I was getting a Toblerone. I exchanged greetings with my grandparents and step-family before seating myself on the sofa. Where I had a bag thrusted upon me. In this back contained a card with money from my dad and step-family, and a Manchester United hardback book and two huge bars of Toblerone from my nan and grandad. I knew that's what they would get me before I even arrived, it's identical every year, even after I told them that I don't watch football anymore, and haven't for years, they still insist on getting me the Man Utd book.

It was time to go home, and after an exhausting day of pretending to be excited, I felt it was time for bed. There goes another Christmas and another disappointment.


Sorry for such a lame chapter... my mood is really reflecting in my writing... and the fact that the chat log that I was gonna use for a conversation with Rosa in this chapter seems to be corrupt is not helping.

Sorry for deleting and re-uploading, My girlfriend noticed a big fail... ;D


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