The Restless Night

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Here comes chapter two, this leads on from the first chapter, a little later than expected though due to a freak powercut just as I was finishing writing it. It really annoyed me, so this chapter might not turn out as well as it did the first time I wrote it.

By the way, thanks for actually reading this far, I never expected anyone to read something I wrote... means a lot to me <3


I'm a pretty deep sleeper, once I'm asleep it's difficult to wake me up. I've slept through multiple alarms, having my room vacuumed (Or so I was told) and even an earthquake! But something was different about last night, I couldn't sleep for more than an hour at a time, every time I woke up I was tossing and turning trying to get back to sleep. This continued from when I went to bed at 11pm, until I finally decided to get up, around 4pm.

As you can guess, I went about my usual routine, I rolled out of bed onto the floor, lay there for a few minutes, went and switched on my PC before wondering into the kitchen. I had only planned on making a cup of tea - The best beverage ever created - but after my lack of sleep the night before, I felt that breakfast would be a good idea too.

A few minutes later I walked back into my room, with a cup of tea in my left hand, toast in my right. I walked over to my desk where I noticed that I had a popup from MSN, which read "Rosa Daniels is online!". This instantly put a smile on my face and in my rush to click it and open a up window, I dropped my toast, butter side down might I add. They say you should start as you mean to go on, well this was no exception. I rushed to type out my first message to her, not caring about my toast anymore...

*Hey! You okay after last night? Still kept your promise?

This aforementioned promise was a simple one. No self harming under any circumstances. I knew that she had a history of self harming, cutting herself to be precise, which we touched on briefly, but due to the sensitive nature of the subject I decided it was best to leave it and not pursue it further, all I asked was that she stop doing it. A promise she had kept for over a month now.

*Oh hi... Yeah I'm fine, you?

The lack of a reply to my question about the promise instantly rang alarm bells in my head, she had broken it! I knew it! I knew it before she had even told me, a burst of disappointment and anger shot through my body. How could Riley, a person I used to be really good friends with, do such a horrible thing? Horrible enough to make her spill her own blood! I had to reply, I had to find out if my theory was correct.

*I'm just worried. You didn't answer my last question. Something wrong? You didn't break it, did you?

It felt like hours had passed, where in reality it was a few seconds before I got a reply, just two words.

*I'm sorry

Those two words confirmed everything I had feared, she had done it again, she had caused herself pain. I didn't know what to say or do, I was angry that Riley had done that to her, then I thought about it a little more, and my emotions went from anger at Riley, to anger at myself. How could I have been foolish enough to ever let that monster meet Rosa? Maybe... Maybe if I hadn't got them in contact, Rosa wouldn't be harming herself again, maybe me and Rosa would be together now? Again so many questions with so little answers, something that happens very frequently in my mind. But I couldn't dwell on that, I had to give her a reply, quick. If I didn't reply to her she would think I'm crying, or taking my anger out on something, I couldn't let her believe that.

*It's ok Rosa, really, it's understandable... Don't beat yourself up about it ok?

*Really? You don't sound sure Mike...

Whenever she called me by my nickname, something only my close friends did, I felt that she cared for me, that she was a very close friend of mine. I had to reassure her that it was okay, if I showed her my true emotions, she might feel even worse about it and do it again, and I did NOT want that happening.

*Yeah, honestly, it's okay...

*If you say so Mike, I'm tired, it's been a long day, mind if I go to sleep?

I knew that was a lie as soon as I read it, she was tired because she cried herself to sleep - or lack of it - last night, but I didn't want to keep her up with meaningless conversation.

*Yeah, sure darlin', you sleep well okay?

That was that, the end of another boring day, time to take my frustration out on some noobs on Call of Duty, as I did most nights...

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