The Very First Kiss

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I'm feeling a writing spree coming on, I have a lot on my mind right now and since I don't plan on sleeping much, may as well waste the night away catching up to Kyupassionfruit and her version of this story, "Age Is Just A Number".

A big thank you to the thirty or so readers who have read every part so far, I have a following, that's, wow... thanks <3

P.s. there is a Scott Pilgrim reference in this part, 10 Internet points if you find it.


Now came the part I was dreading. Meeting her father. I was an eighteen year old guy interested in a fourteen year old girl, he clearly wasn't going to approve of me hanging out with her, especially after the incident with Riley.

As we walked through the front door and into the living room, the instant look he gave me confirmed my fears. He didn't approve. Now I knew I had his eyes on me for the rest of my trip, how was I going to get Rosa alone to tell her how I felt with him watching over us the whole time? Luckily for me, Paul, Rosa's dad, was more interested in his PS3 game than watching over his daughters guest, and after an hour of little more than probing questions and awkward silence, Rosa's little brother, Joe,  popped his head around the door, and said "Hey, wanna come play Kane & Lynch? I'm stuck at this one bit". I agreed to play, anything I could do to get away from Paul's overbearing eyes was a good thing, right? Wrong. We sat in the kitchen playing Kane & Lynch, from the very opening scene of the game. So much for being stuck on "This one bit" Joe! I personally wasn't a huge fan of the PS3, yet the Daniels family had two! One in the living room that Paul played on, and one in the kitchen of all places for the kids to play on. Rosa seemed to think I was enjoying playing video games with her little brother, how wrong she was! She sat next to me on the table and we managed to cuddle at least a little, but not for long enough, since Paul shouted in "Rosa! It's your turn to make sandwiches!", and Rosa got up to go make sandwiches.

She turned to me and asked me, "Do you like chicken?".

I was gobsmacked. Did she really have to ask me if I liked chicken? Chicken was my favourite meat of them all! I could eat chicken for every meal of the day, or just all day without stopping! I shook my head in disbelief and said sarcastically "Nooo.... I don't like chicken" before rolling my eyes at her.

Minutes later, not only had me and Joe died multiple times, there was a very simple looking chicken sandwich in front of me. I said to Joe "Could we pause this or whatever? Sandwich time".

He told me "We could keep going, this next bit is easy, you could eat a sandwich while you do it."

I guess I trusted him, I'd never played this game before yet he seemed like the master. I struggled eating my sandwich while still handling the controls on the stupidly designed PS3 controller, if this were an xbox I'd have no problem. After a few deaths and knocking a plate on the floor I decided it best to just be done with the sandwich.

Damn that was a tasty sandwich, since it only had butter and chicken on it. After the sandwich had been demolished, Joe suggested we go and play Worms upstairs in his room, so sure enough I agreed and we all went upstairs, Me, Rosa and Joe that is.

Upstairs with only Joe between my desired alone time with Rosa, how hard could this be? We sat in his room playing Worms for the best part of thirty minutes, all the time with Rosa sitting in between my legs laying back on to me, most definitely not the most comfortable position for me to be in, but she seemed to be relaxed like that, so I put up with it.

Just as I lost to Joe, again, Rosa broke the silence, "Uhm... Hey Michael..."

"Yeah?" I instantly replied, damn that was too fast.

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