The Awkward Moment When...

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Two chapters in one night? Damn....

I only wrote this one because Kyupassionfruit asked me very nicely to... <3

Thanks for reading this far, and enjoy.


There was an awkward silence as we walked outside to the bus stop. The bus would be here in around ten minutes, meaning we had ten minutes to think of something to say. Ten minutes wasn't long enough.

All of a sudden the awkward silence was broken by Rosa's mum, "Are you two gonna get out your phones and go on MSN to each other yet?" she said.

Rosa groaned "Muuumm.."

I couldn't help but giggle at the matter, which her mum decided was cute. I was cute. Great.

As the bus finally arrived after what seemed like forever, we boarded it and to my disbelief, there was only one free seat, which we had to let Rosa's mum take. The state of disbelief was due to the fact that in my area, a bus was never full, there were always a good few spaces to seat yourself.

After only a short bus ride, and little conversation, we got off. This was it, I was in the city centre. The city I lived in was only small, the centre was made up of a few streets lined with shops, whereas this city... Woah. I was in shock at just how big and complex it was! There were one way systems, and a shopping centre and a museum and much more!

We wondered towards the gigantic shopping centre directly in the middle of town, making small conversation with her mum most of the way there.

"The only problem here," she said, "Is that it always smells, don't you notice it smells really bad?"

I honestly couldn'tve said I had noticed any smell, the only smell I took notice off was the strong scent of strawberries coming from the gum Rosa was chewing.

As we entered the shopping centre, Rosa ran off to put said gum in the bin, due to the taste fading. While walking around the shopping centre, her mum ushered us into the book shop, before taking us into the half price isle. "Typical" I thought, some people are always looking for a bargain, even on books!

I couldn't pay much notice to what her mum was doing when Rosa was right there in front of me, I could barely take my eyes off her, let alone my mind. I wondered what she was thinking about me. Did she think I was weird? Maybe just anti-social due to our lack of conversation? All of those thoughts and doubts dissipated once I saw that beautiful smile again. Her smile was like a drug to me, when I saw it, all bad thoughts went, and my mind was flooded with the thought of how amazing she was. I thought to myself "If we go any further, she is so going to use that smile against me some day".

I noticed Rosa and her mum were wondering off, how long had I been in that trance? Best not to think about it. As I looked up to see where they were going, I overheard a young girl trying to buy scissors, and getting declined. She was about seventeen years of age, and apparently, you need to be twenty-one just to buy scissors. She put on quite a show before giving up and leaving the shop.

As Rosa's mum payed for all things they had picked up while I was out of it, I decided it best to stand out of the way, by a shop display, advertising paper. Who advertises paper? "Our paper is whiter than the leading competitors!". I was getting distressed with this silence, if I didn't say something she might think I never talk...

"So...." I said enthusiastically, hoping she would hear it.

Within a matter of seconds she replied "Huh?", It was almost like she was day dreaming the same way I was moments ago!

"I can't believe I finally got to meet you.", I said with a huge smile on my face. She was good at putting smiles on my face.

"I know... It's like, wow... You're actually here." she said. She sounded doubtful that I would turn up, how could she even think such a thing? I'dve paid double what the train costs just to meet her! All I could think to say was "Yeah...". Damn, conversation killed, I was good at doing that.

Only moments after her mum wondered over to us and suggested we visit another shop. Phew. As we walked out of the shop she sat down on one of the public benches, before phoning who I could only assume to be Rosa's dad.

This constant silence was killing me, I had to do something, I wanted to hold Rosa in my arms, hug her and feel her warmth, but I thought it might be a little too soon for that, so I settled for a poke, I poked her. It was my first act of physical affection, and it was a poke. I wasn't sure how she would react, until I saw a cute smile appear on her face as she poked me back! I couldn't let her have the last poke! I poked her back, she poked me back, it went on like this for a good five minutes, before Rosa's mum put the phone down and said,

"Awwwh how cute, but stop flirting and get a move on, we're heading home."

Rosa instantly replied with "I wasn't fl-" before her mum gave her the kind of look that said "I know you were, don't try and deny it" so she didn't finish her sentance.

Was that really flirting? Not that I minded, I actually wanted her to flirt with me, it would take the pressure off me, and show if she felt the same way about me as I did about her....

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