The Meeting

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Wooo finally got round to chapter four! :3

The next few chapters should be done soon... they are juicy!

@Kyupassionfruit... I love you. <3


Today was just another day, I woke up, rolled out of bed, lay there a while, turned my PC on, all before going into the kitchen to make some tea. On the way to the kitchen I walked past the calendar in the living room, and for some reason I felt the need to look at it. It's lucky I did look, instantly remembering today was that Monday! Today was the day I got to meet Rosa! I quickly went to look at the time and noticed I still had a good hour or so before I had to be on the train, so I continued to make the tea, albeit at a faster pace, ran into my bedroom and got a towel before heading to the bathroom.

Usually, I'd be in the shower for around 20 minutes because, although I am a guy, my hair is almost to my waist, and it takes forever to wash! I somehow managed to be in and out within 15 minutes, a personal best. The time rapidly kept ticking by as I got my stuff ready and decided on what I was going to wear.

It was at 9am that I realised how long it takes to get to the trainstation, and all of my gentle and well paced preparations went out the window. I had to leave. Now. I threw everything in my rucksack, put on the first set of jeans, and t-shirt that I found, grabbed my shoes and ran out the door. I struggled putting my shoes on while limping down the stairs to the ground floor of my apartment block, but managed it none the less.

The next 25 minutes were filled with very fast paced walking, possibly the fasted I'd ever walked, just so that I could get to the train station before the train I needed left. I arrived at the station with just over one minute to spare, but I still had to get my tickets! How did I get them? That was a mystery to me... I located the ticket machine after a few seconds of searching and put my card in as instructed. It told me that I had a return ticket waiting to collect, so I hit collect and this message came up.

"To collect your tickets from this machine, please enter the code that was emailed to you."

As I read this message it slowly sunk into my brain that I didn't have this code, I had no way of accessing my emails at such short notice. I scrambled inside the station to the help desk, and asked them what I should do. The rather butch looking lady at the counter told me that I could collect them at the desk with just my card. The relief shook my body.

As I parted ways with the helpful lady, tickets in hand, I noticed the time on the station clock, 9:32. Knowing that the train I was supposed to be getting left at 9:31, I almost broke down into tears. Luckily before I managed to spill a tear, the intercom system announced that the train I was getting was three minutes late, due to trackside failure! How lucky can you get?

A few minutes later, the train pulled up as expected and I sat myself down on the only available seat in the carriage. That was it. I had done it. I'd made it onto the train! All I had to do now was block out the world with my earphones and wait till we arrive at Rosa's stop.

A short while later, as we were arriving at the stop, I got a phone call. I don't usually get phonecalls, especially  from numbers I don't know, so I just had to answer it to see who it was.

"Hello?" I said as calmly as I could, as I'm not a big fan of talking on the phone.

A few seconds passed with absolute silence, and just as I was about to hang up a voice came through, in an accent I could only dream of understanding.

"Hello?... Yeah this is Rosa's mum..." Is what I believe the lady said. I replied quickly and firmly, "You have a really weird accent"

She laughed, well, calling it laughter would be like saying cows go "Moo". It was a cackle, it sounded like I was talking to a witch!

I was trying not to laugh at her laugh as the train came to a stop, I told her, "I'm at platform two, where are you guys?". She replied "Oh are you?... Well, go around to the front of the station and we'll meet you there... It's just across the track..."

Did she realise that I had no idea where I was? I didn't know how to cross the track? Was there a tunnel... or an elevator? I put it to her, "How do I get over there, is there a tunnel?"

She replied a few seconds later, "Yeah... You can take the tunnel...". I replied "I'll be there in a minute, hope I don't get lost". She laughed a little more before saying "Okay, see you soon, bye."

I hopped off the train, located the tunnel she told me to take and went down into it. All the way I had been calm about meeting Rosa, but as I got closer and closer, my heart started beating at an incredible rate. It felt like it was trying to burst out of my chest.

I climbed the stairs at the other end of the tunnel, turned towards the platform and attempted to dodge the crowd of people who appeared to have just gotten off a train. I bumped into someone that I honestly didn't see, and as I looked down to say sorry, there she was, Rosa. Rosa Daniels was here, right infront of me, and damn was she more beautiful than I could've ever anticipated. She had shoulder length light brown hair, deep green / grey eyes, and such a pretty face, my only shock was how short she was! There is no way she could've been over five foot!

I heard her mumble "Sorry" as she began to look up, and as her eyes reached mine, I could see how much she had blushed from embarrassment. I had to say something to let her know it was me. I rehearsed it in my head during the seconds I had to think before it, "Hey, Rosa."

Love Has No Age LimitNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ