The City At Night

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*Yawn* it's pretty late, sorry for any typing errors or grammar mistakes. This chapter isn't included in KyuPassionFruit's version of this story, just as her part 8 isn't included in my version.

Hope you're all enjoying reading this so far, I failed English at school, so being able to write my mind and experiences and having people from around the world reading it is really boosting my confidence! Thanks so much guys and girls. I would really like it if you could leave any feedback, good or bad in the comments. I've been told I swap tenses too often, yet I can't figure out how to write any other way...


...Or so I thought. All the way into town, Paul was non-stop with the questions. "Why did you choose to visit Rosa?" "Are you two just friends?" "You do know how old she is right?". I had to answer them as honestly as possible, but leaving out the fact that we were in love with each other. If he knew that, I might not make it to the bus stop.

We took all of the short cuts through the rows of houses standing between us and town. As we wondered down the dark alleys, I almost expected to be physically assaulted by Paul, it just didn't seem right, he seemed like the sort of guy that would do that. A sigh of relief was released as we reached the main road again, he stopped me here, and directed me to the bus stop which was just around the corner. I never though to ask him which bus I should get.

I got my phone out of my pocket, and text my best friend, Jake. He lived in the same city as Rosa, albeit the other side. Me and Jake had met on the same MMORPG that me and Riley met on. I'd met Jake once before in my life, when he visited me on my 18th birthday. That was a night to remember, and a day to regret.

I sent Jake a text, "Yo Jake, I'm lost, which bus do I get to yours?".

He replied with blazing speed as he always did, I have no idea how he managed it, "Depends where you are... are you in the city centre?"

I looked around and thought I recognised some buildings from the centre, so I replied "Yeah, I'm by the bus stops". How wrong I was, I was in an outlying town, two miles from the city centre. After a short phonecall to Jake, and my realisation that I was in the wrong place, he directed me to a taxi company, and gave me his address.

After a difficult and frustrating phonecall with the taxi HQ, where neither of us could understand the other, a taxi arrived to pick me up. I told the driver where I was going and off we went.

More awkward silence ensued, before I paid the driver and got off in front of Jake's house. His house looked more impressive than I expected. It was a three-storey house, with a huge front lawn. I made my way up his path before knocking on the front door. His mum answered, I had spoken to her before and she recognised me, I was greeted with "Hey Mike, I'll shout Jake down for you now", and sure enough, she shouted Jake, and he marched his way down the thickly carpeted stairs. He looked well, although chubbier than he was when we last met, and he was still ugly.

We exchanged greetings and made our way up to his room. This was where I'd spend the whole night, not even visiting the toilet, which was quite usual for me. We sat around his room and played video games on his huge 42" TV, which was wall mounted just above his room-length desk. On the desk was a tube of Pringles, his Xbox 360, PS3, and two monitors for his gaming PC. I wasn't sure whether to be impressed by his possessions, or disgusted by how much his parents spoiled him. Either way, I quickly claimed possession of the Pringles and we ate the whole tube in a matter of minutes. The rest of the night passed by pretty uneventfully, except for me constantly telling Jake about Rosa, he didn't seem too bothered and kept saying "I'm really happy for you dude". Although when I told him about our escapades on the stairs, he replied "Wow, get in there!". Standard guy talk.

I slept well that night, even if it was on the floor of his room, on a slowly deflating airbed, which by morning was almost completely flat. It'd been a long day, I deserved a good nights sleep.

Morning came oh so quickly, too quick, and I was up before Jake, as expected. Why is it that the guest always wakes up before the host in a sleepover? I spent the next hour awkwardly lying there, trying not to make too much noise. I couldn't take Rosa off my mind, as was the case with the whole night just passed. Even my dreams contained Rosa! Was she thinking about me in the same way?

Jake eventually stirred from his hibernation-esque slumber, and the cheeky bastard had the nerve to call me lazy for still being in bed!

Time seemed to be moving along quite quickly, just what i wanted. I liked Jake, he was a really good guy, but being around him and his family made me seem poverty ridden, I couldn't stand being around snobs! After breakfast was over and done with, he phoned a taxi to take me back to the train station I had gotten off at the day before.

Within 15 minutes, the taxi was here and I was gone. It's always difficult saying goodbye to people, whether they are snobby friends, or the girl of your dreams.

Two hours and a lot of hassle later, I unlocked the door to the apartment me and mum lived in, headed straight for my bed and lay down. I just wanted to sleep even more, even thought it was only three in the afternoon. I decided it best to turn on my PC and sign into MSN, to see if Rosa was online.

Much to my surprise, she was, and she greeted me with the usual "Oh hey". We shared a simple conversation for the rest of the night, constantly refering to the day before, and what happened on the stairs. "It all started with the stairs", she kept saying.

She told me that her long-term crush from school, Lee, was online, and they were talking, not that I really cared. Apparently they had planned to go visit the park together next Friday with some friends. I was jealous, although I really shouldn've been, the memory of her confessing her love to me was still fresh in my mind, why would she throw that away to be with some guy she liked from primary school.......

Love Has No Age LimitOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora