The Start Of Things To Come

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Why do I always right my chapters so late at night I hear many of you not asking, well that's because I find the darkness peaceful, no one is awake to distract me, and my thoughts are clear. I love the night.


It was three weeks after me and Rosa had decided that we should be together, three blissful weeks. We told each other how we felt, without any regret. We loved each other, unconditionally. It was amazing. But it was the holidays again, this time it was the Christmas holidays, and I wanted to see Rosa again.

I wondered if she would like to visit my house this time, since we knew each other more. But I still knew that her mum and dad wouldn't let her visit my house, they were still convinced I was some form of rapist-murderer-pedophile. Which is where she came up with a great plan.

*I have an idea! I'll tell them I'm going to sleep at a friends house, they won't check up on me, they never do.

*Are you certain that will work?

*100%, just tell me what day

*How about the 18th of December?

*That's in just a few days right? It's hard to keep track of the date with no school, I'll go and ask dad now

I waited in anticipation for her return and answer. When she finally did return, it was to being good news which brought a smile straight to my face.

*I can come! I can sleep at your house!

That was the best news ever! Rosa, at my house, for a whole night... We could physically sleep together, in each others arms, and kiss without risk of being caught by her over-protective parents! As previously mentioned, I live with just my mother, and she really doesn't care too much about what happens, as long as I use a condom. Like I'll need one of those, we won't be doing that much any time soon, not like I'd ever done it before.

Two long days and nights later and it was the 18th of December, the day Rosa was visiting! Excited really wasn't the word for it. I set out early enough to meet her at the train station as she un-boarded the train. It took me a while longer to get there than I expected, this was due to the thickness of snow on the ground. I loved snow, it's natural beauty, and the way it covers all of the ugliness of city life were amazing, but it could be an inconvenience when walking in it.

I decided it best to phone Rosa as I left the house, just to make sure she would be there when I arrived.

"Hello?" she answered


"Oh hey," I could sense she was smiling, she always used that tone of voice when she had a smile.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, you?"

"Yep. Are you at the train station yet?" 'Yep' was common slang for 'I can't wait to see you, I love you so freaking much, why can't you be here already?'

"Only just. Now I just have to buy a ticket", this was good news, she hadn't abandoned me.

"That's good. I was just checking to make sure"

"Well there's no need to worry, I'll be fine. I'm in the line to get a ticket now". Her voice reassured me that everything would be just fine.

"Great" I mumbled through a smile.

"So... I'll see you soon then, it's me next now,"

"Oh is it? So you'll be here soon,"

"That I will,"

"Okay... I love you", I really did, more than she could ever know.

"I love you too."

"See you soon,"


I put the phone down and continued my journey to the train station with the smile never leaving my face.

I had arrived at the station just a little late, her train should've arrived a few minutes before I walked into the main building. She was just coming off the platform as I entered the main building, she was here, in all her beauty! And oh my, she was beautiful.

I greeted her warmly "Heya!"

She smiled and hugged me so tight "I love you".

"I love you too", I said as I took her hand and lead her out of the station, back into the cold.

The long walk back to my apartment didn't feature much conversation, we were both extremely shy people, and nervous about being together. But as I opened the front door, my mom became her usual self. She would not shut up, no matter what! She asked Rosa all sorts of questions, from "How tall are you?" to "How are you doing in school?" to "What sort of food do you like?".

Rosa, being as shy as she is, seemed uncomfortable answering so many questions to a woman she had never once met before. I quickly butted into their conversation, and offered my mother a cup of tea. If you give my mother tea, she will do ANYTHING for you.

After I made myself and mother some tea, I also made Rosa a glass of orange squash, as she is lactose intolerant. I ushered her to my room, away from my nosey mother, and after a few attempts of subtly drawing her attention she finally followed me.

My room was only small, half the size of hers, I had a single bed up one wall, with my desk and computer at the end of that, and on the opposite wall, at the same end as my computer, I had a futon. It was a chair that folded out into a bed, my mother picked it up just so Rosa could sleep on it when she visited, she clearly didn't realise I had intentions of sleeping with Rosa. I sat myself on the futon, as Rosa took a seat on my bed, facing each other. There was an awkward silence for what seemed like forever, until I broke that silence, "I'm so glad you're here, but this is really awkward"

She nodded, and said "I'm glad I'm here too, can we like, do something?"

She wanted to do something? Like what? "D'ya wanna watch Scott Pilgrim?" I questioned.

"Sure, can we cuddle up and watch it?"

I liked this, we moved over to the end of the futon, facing the computer as I loaded up Scott Pilgrim vs The World and pressed play. We leaned back against the wall, and she leaned into me. I wrapped my left arm around her, and held her against me. This was amazing.

About halfway through the film, a film which we had both seen many times, I decided it was time for a kiss, so I moved my head down slightly, and looked her in the eyes before closing mine and passionately kissing her. She responded by holding my head in that position, and kissing me even more! We got a little carried away, and before long, she was lay down on the futon, with me lay next to her, and we were making out like there was no tomorrow. We both had such passion built up inside that just had to be released! It was amazing.

We watched through a few films, and in all of them we ended up getting carried away, this was until it was around 1am, where I decided it was best we turned the computer off and moved into my bed. She swiftly agreed and went to the toilet. As she was out of the room, I took the private time to undress myself down to my underwear, as this is how I usually slept. She returned, wearing nothing more than her underwear and a T-shirt I had let her wear, so I didn't have to see her underwear.

As we lay in bed, trying to get to sleep, she rolled over and looked at me, "Do we have to go to sleep just yet? I was quite enjoying kissing you"

How could I deny her that? I replied by kissing her more passionately than ever, our lips were interlocked for the best part of an hour, if not more. This was the best night of my life so far, that was without a doubt. Lying in bed next to the girl I loved, wearing nothing more than underwear and making out. How could this night get better?! It didn't get any better, and as we snuggled down to get to sleep, I was much too warm to dose off. But I didn't want to tell her that because then she might move, or get out of bed....

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