The Morning After

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After 5 hours, getting only about 30 minutes of sleep, I decided it was time to wake up. I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water, since my mouth was seriously de-hydrated. As I climbed out of bed, Rosa revealed that she had been awake for hours too! I wandered into the living room, where I saw the clock read 7:12. Great, it was so early! I continued making a glass of water, and then returned to my bedroom, only to see Rosa smiling.

I took a large mouthful from the glass and offered her some, she took a sip or two and put it down. And gestured for me to come back to bed. I obliged and climbed over here again. A few minutes passed before the kissing started again, I wasn't sure where to rest my hand while doing this, and I accidentally put it on her breast, to which she smiled, and didn't seem to mind. In response to this lack of punishment, I decided to try my luck and press my hand under the t-shirt she had borrowed, and I moved it up her smooth stomach until it reached her bra. Lifting up the bra with my fingers, I slid my hand underneath and onto her warm, naked breast. This continued for a few minutes before she said something unexpected. "Since you're already going under my shirt, and it's too warm wearing it, do you mind if I take it off?"

Why would I mind that?! Woah, she took off her shirt to reveal her beatifully shaped breast, albeit covered by a black lace bra, with a little pink bow in between the two cups. For her age and height, she had a reasonably large pair of breasts. This could only be good news for me.

We continued kissing, and I continued messing about with her breasts before I came up on an idea, I could lift up her bra, and then get easy access, and visuals on both of her breasts! So I did that, again I received no punishment, this was going well. While Rosa was topless, and her breasts revealed, I took it upon myself to pleasure her, I broke my lips away from hers, and kissed down along her neck, something I had previously discovered really turns her on. When she had let out a moan of enjoyment, I knew it was time I moved down, I kissed from her neck down to her shoulder, slowly moving down to her perky breasts. With them both exposed to me, I took my lips and pressed them against her chest, then again against her breast, until I reached her erect nipple. I didn't really know what I was doing right now, but it was fun, and she seemed to enjoy me kissing her half-naked body.

After a few moments of moving my tongue and lips around her breasts, she announced that since the bra wasn't doing anything, it may as well come off too! I was happy to hear that. The girl I loved, in my bed, wearing nothing but her panties, what could go wrong? This was the best morning ever.

I pushed my luck, and kissed from her breasts downwards, across her stomach until I reached the top of her waistline. She was breathing heavier and heavier the further I went down. As I reached what I was aiming for, I slowly pulled down her panties, revealing only a small portion of her outer-vagina, not enough for me to actually see anything except pubes. She quickly stopped me and told me that it was too far, she wasn't ready for me to go down there yet. I obliged and moved back up to kiss her again, but I couldn't get the thought of what using my tongue down there would do to her breathing, and I tried again, this time a little quicker, I pulled her panties down far enough to get a look at her vagina this time, I kissed from her waist down until I was just about to reach her clitoris, before she stopped me again, I couldn't cope with this! I was in such a horny mood and it was really frustrating that I was so close to my goal, yet she kept stopping me! I settled for slowly sliding a finger inside her panties, I felt how wet she was, so wet that I could actually see it seeping through her panties from the outside! Is this what I did to her? I turned Rosa on so much that she got that wet?

As my finger brushed over her clitoris and just inside the lips, she sternly told me no, and I knew that her voice was serious, so I stopped immediately. I didn't want to upset her, besides, all I wanted was for her to have a good time.

I lay over her, as I had done before, and aimed to press my now-erect penis against her groin, while we both had underwear on of course, this turned her on even more. I could feel her moisture as I rubbed against her, this was the furthest I would go as we continued to make out in a heated fashion.

Hours had passed since we woke up, the time was now 1pm, almost time for her to leave! I pleaded for her to get dressed, something I really didn't think I'd be doing. She didn't want to leave, she just lay in my bed, wearing nothing more than her wet panties, not even the blanket covering her body. She was so beautiful, from head to toe, and I could now say that confidently, since I had seen all of her body.

Eventually she got up, and went to the bathroom to get changed, moments later she returned fully dressed and sat down next to me on the futon, and we cuddled up next to each other again.

The making out started again, as I decided we should watch one more film before she left. The film passed by in what seemed like an instant, as during the making out, I had completely missed what the film was about. Luckily I had already seen it.

As the hours passed, it was 4pm, now officially time for her to leave, I didn't want her to be late home, but she was so stubborn! She really did not want to leave, and I couldn't blame her at all, I didn't want her to leave either, tonight would be a lonely night in bed.

I walked her to the train station during the heavy snow, and we waited there together for her train to arrive. All I could think to say was "I love you".

To which she replied "I love you too, Michael."

I couldn't help but apologise for going a little too far earlier, "I'm sorry I didn't stop when you first said no"

She replied, "It's ok, I liked what you were doing, I'm just not sure if I want to do it yet."

That made sense, she enjoyed it, but she knew that she was too young to be doing stuff like that, and her strong morals kept her from going too far, I respected that, a girl who could stand up for herself.

In no time at all, the train she would be leaving on arrived. It almost brought a tear to my eye, seeing Rosa leave after that night we spent together. I just wanted to spend one more night with her, was that too much to ask?


Reading through, I appear to have rushed this, I'm sorry if it seems that way, it was an amazing morning I assure you, but I just didn't know what to write! I hope Kyu's version will turn out better.


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