The Payback

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Sorry for not uploading the past couple of days... <3


After another strenuous day of college, thinking about Rosa non-stop, I loaded up MSN. After a lot of thinking during the day, I decided I had made a huge mistake by dating Kayleigh again, and I needed to break it off with her before anything more happened. She'd understand right?

I started up a conversation with Rosa


*Oh hey, Mike. Howr you?

I decided to just tell it how it was

*I need to break up with Kayleigh

Well that was easy, I wonder what her reaction will be, she probably wouldn't care, she has a boyfriend.

*Why's that?

*I don't love her.

*Fair enough. So tell her next time you see her?

*That's not for a while now...

*So wait.

*Yeah that's probably best.

I was lying, I really wanted to get this over and done with ASAP. After the realisation that she had broken up with me via facebook inboxing last time, if I used MSN it would be at least one moral step higher than her. At least she could reply instantly, instead of having to wait for a reply like I did.

I loaded up a conversation with her, and started it with the famous words

*Kayleigh, we need to talk.

*Oh dear, what's up?

*Well, I think it was a mistake to get back with you, you're nice and all, but I just don't feel attracted to you like I was the first time round, sorry.

*Holy shit, you coward, you're dumping me over MSN? This is an all time low.

She then went offline, I assumed she had blocked me, so I went onto facebook and saw her last status update, it read "Don't you just love it when people show their true colours?" which had just been posted. I knew this was about me, so I commented on it.

*Look, Kayleigh, I'm sorry I did it over MSN, I just wanted it to end ASAP before we got too serious

A few seconds later she replied

*I really don't care, you could've phoned me, or walked over to my house! Coward.

Her dad then commented

*If I ever see you again, you're gonna wish you didn't have balls for me to rip off

Did he realise I was with her just three days? And I wanted to break up with her because I wasn't attracted to her over-weight body, and anti-social personality, and I didn't want it to last much longer incase we ended up going further than kissing. What a moron, besides, the fat old man wouldn't be able to rip a scab off, let alone my balls! I had to reply straight up...

*Why? Cause I dumped your daughter before I got chance to fuck her? Sorry for being thoughtful, besides, did she tell you how she finished me last time?

*Whatever Ade, you're such a coward!

She replied, which enraged me more.

*Kayleigh, you finished my by sending me a message over facebook, thanks for that by the way, if you don't believe me, I still have the message in my inbox and I could show you?

Then, out of the blue, my mother commented, she was great at stuff like this, I have the coolest mum ever!

*Kayleigh, he was with you for three days, get over yourself and stop crying, after you finished him last time, you should be happy he finished you over MSN. And to you, Darren, would you rather Ade stayed with Kayleigh, took her innocence and then finished her? I wouldn't want that if it were my daughter, which fortunately she is not.

Done, my mom won the argument as per usual, I really should thank her for all the times she does that. Now was the time to tell Rosa of my victory!

*It's done.

*What is?

*I dumped her/

*I thought you said you weren't going to see her again for a while?

*I told her on MSN.

*You did WHAT?

I'm sure she was only mad because she didn't know the back story to it.

*Was that wrong of me?

*Yes! It was very wrong of you! You should never EVER dump someone over MSN!! That's not right! If they've done nothing to deserve that kind of treatment then you should arrange for a face-to-face meeting!


I knew she deserved that treatment, but Rosa didn't know our past, I decided it was best to let her discover it for herself via facebook

*Yeah. "Oh." Is right. But it's too late now, you've already done it.

What did she care? She had her boyfriend, her life was going well! Now that I was single again, and truly in love with Rosa, I just had to wait for her relationship to break down, like I kind of expected it to...

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