John smiled. "Ready as I will ever be. I guess I will talk to you guys later. I will call you to check up on you Sam." He said waving at me.

They left, and me and Simon were off to whatever he had planned for us.

We linked arms, and he said that we were gonna go and get some dinner at a fast food restaurant.

We pulled up to a outdoors restaurant and the view, like always, made me melt.

The ocean looked absolutely stunning. "Why do you always make me see such beautiful things?" I asked him.

"Because I want you to see what I see in you everyday."

I hugged him tight, and we pulled apart to sit and take our order.


"Why would you do that to your brother?" I laughed at a story he was telling me about his older brother.

"Well, after he ate my candy bar, I needed revenge."

We walked along the shore, arms entangled. The sun was setting, and me and Simon were exhausted from our date with the carnival, the dinner, and the walking.

"Wanna head back to the hotel?" I asked him.

He looked at me. "Yeah, probably for the best, got to get up early tomorrow so I can get the videos started after we get back from the airport, but time zones will absolutely wreck me if I don't get any sleep."

We walked back to the hotel, and we encountered the guys, Tobi and Ethan, and walked with them.

"So, Tobi, how was your day?" I said, putting a piece of hair out of my face.

He gave me a shrug. "Guess it was alright."

I asked the same question to Ethan. He gave me a more descriptive response. "Oh, we went shopping, went for some food, and we jammed out some concerts over by the beach, which was pretty cool overall."

We walked back to the hotel, and went off to our bedrooms, but I felt my lungs to begin to fail a little because of my ribs with all the walking today.

I didn't want the guys to help me out since I never got to show them I could do stuff on my own.

I kept going, not letting anyone notice, and walked with them, not holding my hand with Simon so he doesn't notice.

My world began to fog up, and I began to lose my balance, slightly tripping my feet. I bumped into Simon, and he noticed my face turning red, and my loss of breath.

"Samantha. Are you okay?" He asked me concerned, but I could barely hear him.

I fell onto the ground, letting the cement scratch my elbow.

I felt arms pick me up and carry me back.

I heard Simon's voice again. "We got to get her back to the hotel and let her rest."

I felt them now quicken their pace, and now start to run as my world darken to a pitch black.


I woke up in my bed back in the hotel room, and a wet sponge gently tapping my forehead.

I saw Simon beside me, gripping onto my hand, and Tobi ahead of me with the sponge.

"What happened?" I asked.

Simon and Tobi looked at each other, and Tobi walked out of the room after several glances.

The door shut, and I asked again.

He rubbed his leg before responding. "We were walking back, and your ribs were affecting your breathing again. But, you didn't tell anyone. You kept to yourself, and you got to the point where you passed out. I am a little bit mad about that. Why didn't you tell us? Especially me?"

I looked down."I never proved to you guys that I could do something without your guys help. You have basically done every little thing for me before I get the chance to tell you I can do it myself. I just wanted to prove it to you guys."

Simon got up from his seat and started to pace. "If it is something as serious as your medical health, you need help with that stuff. If you ever wanted us to back off on how nice we are, we will sure as gladly back up and give you some space. But please, tell me next time." He looked back at me with sympathetic eyes.

I looked back at him. "Okay I will, but thanks for taking care of me Si. I do notice some of the things that you do like this is because you have the heart to do so."

Simon crawled back into the bed, and put the covers above his body, and then wrapped his arm around me.

"Your welcome. I don't enjoy watching the girl I love be in pain." He said, lighting the mode slightly.

He stroked my hair until slumber came upon the both of us and we fell gently asleep.

÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ I wrote a chapter guys :) BE PROUD CAUSE I KINDA HAVE A D IN SOCIAL STUDIES THAT I GOTTA GET BACK UP.

But that new character, John, that I added in is literally my best irl friend that wanted me to write him in my book. And everything, except for the Georgia girl is actually correct and the fact that we graduate in 4 years :P So John if you are reading this, it is because your white. (Just a inside joke, not racism guys XD)

But yeah. That is that.

So if you guys did enjoy, leave some feedback and see ya!


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