Chapter 19 ~Seths POV~

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I had to think about it for a moment to make sure she wasn't joking. She wanted to be alone with me? All day? Damn. Maybe my luck is changing. I mean she's been all over Ty since sheet me in the room dazed and confused when I promised my heart to her. I guess I'll just have to work my charm today. And I finally agreed. Her smile making it obvious it wasn't a joke or so far at least. I noticed Ty didn't look to pleased but he didn't matter, only she did.

"Where are we going then?" That's when Ty spoke up with his high and mighty raspy and deep alpha voice.

"You'll be going to the state park that's about two miles up the road from here. My driver will be driving you." After giving Scarlett a quick peck on the cheek he left the room. Finally. I see how this looks. We were friends at the beginning because I mean to be completely honest I blame myself for that night.

If I hadn't interjected maybe he wouldn't have hurt her. Maybe I wouldn't have met her. I wouldn't ever regret meeting her but falling in love with a girl who seems to be interested in another guy right in front of your eyes is both heart wrenching and just ball crunching. It's like having your man card taken away or being neutered. It's not very manly. And I wasn't about to let her go without a fight. I had a feeling neither was Ty.

I waited in the kitchen or living space -whatever the fuck you call it- for Scarlett. I had been ready for over thirty minutes but she's a girl so I didn't expect and more than an hour for her to get ready. Then she stepped out of the hallway and my jaw -literally- hit the floor.

She had her hair curled and laid down her shoulders and back. She wore a white sun dress with a brown belt and cream flats. I was mesmerised until she spoke, cutting off my revere. Her cheeks were a flush of well Scarlett. How puny. Ha ha OK fine so I'm not a comedian. "Is it too much?" I shook my head frantically.

"No. It's absolutely perfect. Your perfect." Her cheeks went up about five notches redder until she looked away and I couldn't help but smirk. She was too damn cute. Like an innocent little girl who still played with barbies and was daddies little girl.

"You ready?" She nodded and I linked our elbows, escorting the beautiful girl on my arm to a day of winning her back. Either that or my last hope at being happy. More or less I had a lot to lose. So here goes nothing. We got into the car, correction large house sized black range river that could hold a whole two bridal parties with the bachelor party. Lets just say it was big. It was relatively quiet on the way there. Scarlett looked well... Excited?

I ignored it and thought about what I was gonna do. Win her back. The tactic seemed easier said than done. What if we had an awkward silence? A gay baby will be born. Okay I need to stop thinking weird things. Damn it this is what happens when I get nervous. I get weird. And not the good kind. Or the cute kind. The limo (mansion car) pulled up to a park but what seemed to be really empty. No one at a park on a sunny Saturday afternoon. Weird

. We exited the car and I could tell as soon as she got out of the car that something was wrong. Great. I hadn't even opened my mouth and said something stupid and she already thought I was weird. But then she spoke with unexpected hesitancy.

"Why didn't you tell me you came to the club that night we ran away?" She turned to me but only a moment before her head bowed and she played with her fingers. She was so damn cute. Oh wait I just got caught. Fuck. There goes the moment.

"I didn't tell you cause it kind of wasn't relevant at the time." Her head shot up and her eyes were blood red with furry. It wasn't a good look for her.

"Relevant? It wasn't relevant? What the actual fuck Seth. Don't you think it was a piece of information I needed to know? What the fuck made you think that I shouldn't or didn't need to know your friends or were friends with Ty? Why?"

Fuck she was hot when she was mad. "I-I uh I don't know I guess I was just trying to protect you..." I trailed off unable to answer fully.

"Protect me?" She crossed her arms over her chest. The pink long sleeve tinted cardigan tightly wound around her tiny shoulders as the fabric stretched with her agitated movements.

"Yeah I guess." It was my turn to awkwardly find fascination in my fingers. Her huffing made it clear that my avoiding the subject wouldn't make it go away.

"OK fine." I shouted with defeat.

"I didn't tell you because I wanted to protect myself. How fucked up does it sound to have come to the club with him and leave for five seconds to only come back to find him having his hands all over a defenceless girl. And to know that no mater what he did to you that you'd still choose to love him over me." Her red eyes softened to there pure blue green. Her arms tightening around her chest. If I were mistaken I'd think she was gonna cry.

"I don't love Ty over you. I don't love either of you.But....." She trailed of with her eyes searching around to find a safe point of recollection.

"But?" Her eyes met mine once again. Her lips quivering. Her eyes holding unshed tears. "I'm incapable of love."

My whole world spun with just simples of words. 'Incapable of love' the words played over and over in my head. "What do you mean incapable of love?"

I didn't want the answer I received.

"I'm incapable of love. I am unable to love. My father he...... My mother left me and him when I was five. My father became an alcoholic and blamed her departure on me. Making me pay everyday for thirteen years by abusing and ......."

The tears fell and her body began to tremble. He words coming out in low whispers.

"He raped me. Everyday when he got home from the bar. I'd try to run but he was so quick. I could never get away, an when he'd catch me I'd pay for trying to resist. I'd wake the next morning on the couch and sometimes I wouldn't be able to walk, and most nights I'd bleed. And then I met Brandon. I thought...."

Her body shook now and I took her in my arms.

"I thought he was my last hope of happiness and then...... And then he cheated. He threw me away like I didn't matter. I've never mattered. I'm incapable of love because no one loves me. You and Ty shouldn't love me. No guy loves a broken girl."

She sobbed the last words out. Her body falling to the ground. She collapsed into my arms and drenched my T-shirt with her tears.

"It's not fair Seth. It's not fair that I keep.. That I keep leading you and Ty on when I can't even let myself love. It's not fair to either of you. I'm so sorry."

She shook and cried for about an hour as she apologised to me for everything. The ache in my chest growing. That's when she dropped the biggest bomb possible when she removed her cardigan. She lay in my chest and sniffled.

"But boys don't fall in love with broken girls.' That's when I understood. She didn't feel worthy of love.

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