Chapter 8 ~Seths POV~

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Have you ever had that feeling of being so comfortable with someone that you think you can tell them anything? No matter how deep and dark the secret might be? In the moments I spent with Scarlett I felt that way.

Sounds crazy considering we met a day ago and now I find myself walking down a wooden path along a river, laughing and finding my smile to be permanent. If this is what it's like to get to know someone I was finding that I liked it.

I liked her. I liked Scarlett.

I thought of things I could tell her. Things that would make her happy. I felt an urge to make her happy, to help her through the pain she's endured.

It hurt me knowing she's felt pain. To knows she's cried, to know she's been alone with no one to comfort her.

I wanted to be the one to hold her close to me and let her tears fade. To bring back that shining grin.

We came upon a few large rocks, Scarlett stilled over and took a seat. I could see a bit of apprehension in her face as she looked up at me, her chocolate hair blowing in the spring breeze.

"It's beautiful here." She said as she gazed at the crisp water. A flock of seagulls flew up high in the sky and the clouds were moving in patterns. The sun was beginning to set. It was almost time to get back on the road.

"Yeah it is." I retaliated. It had been forever since I'd been to Georgia. And to find it hadn't changed warmed my heart.

"Seth." She called, I look over to see her standing, brushing the dirt from her bum. I couldn't help the smirk falling over my face at how precious she was.

"Yes sweetheart?" She walks towards me but pauses to kneel down and roll up her jeans. "I'm gonna go dip my feet in the water. Do you want to come with me?" I could see the sweet sincerity in her eyes as she asked me.

I rose from the rock and walked down with her to the water front. Where the water and sand met. I looked across the water to see a never ending abyss of beautiful turquoise water.

I stayed back for a moment to take it all in. It always seemed to surprise me how it never changed. Even since I was a little kid.

I walked down beside her, her eyes were shut and she had her arms crossed over her chest. She took long deep breaths and stared clear into the sky. I wondered what she was thinking so intently about.

She opened her eyes and looked at me with a serious facial expression. "If I ask you a question do you swear you'll answer it with 100% truth?"

The question caught me off guard but I figured it wouldn't be that deep a question so I nodded. Giving her my full and truthful promise.

"Have you ever cheated on one of your girlfriends?" I all of a sudden felt as if I were in an interrogation. But I'd promised to be truthful and it wasn't like I had anything to hide.

"Yes, once." She looked away from me, I could see the hurt in her eyes.

"Why'd you do it?" That's the same question everyone always asked, that and "Who was it with?" I shook my head and slipped my hands in my pockets.

These conversations always made me feel uncomfortable. Somehow I felt like I should be genuine with Scarlett.

"I felt neglected. She'd go off with her friends and I'd hear rumors that she'd flirt and hook up with guys behind my back." I paused, took a deep breath, and continued, "She'd always deny the rumors and tell me she was devoted to our relationship. I wanted to believe her. I wanted to be able to look at her and not see what I saw." I took another pause , took a deep breath and finished. "I gave her time to tell me the truth but she still denied it. One night I was at a party. I wasn't that drunk but I was tipsy. Enough to make me act like a dumbass but I'd be able to drive home safely. One of the varsity cheerleaders was getting really touchy with me and I thought if Becca could do it why couldn't i? I hooked up with the girl that night. Becca found out and she dumped me. I never found out if she ever did cheat on me, but it was still wrong of me. I know that."

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