Chapter 16 ~Scarletts POV~

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'I walked into the dark and quiet house with slow and indiscreet footsteps. I made my way upstairs but was stopped by the lights turning on.

Shit. I turned around on the fourth step I stood on to see my dad with his arms crossed over his chest with a beer bottle in his hand. I quickly turned and made a run to my room but he was too quick. He grabbed my foot and I fell. My chin hitting hard on the step.

He chuckled from behind and lifted my body. Limp and aching I stood. Preparing myself for the blow. His hands grabbed my ankles and my body gave out from under me. My head banging against the stars as he dragged me down. Whimpers and screams escaped my lips even though I tried my hardest not to show pain.

Finally I lay on the ground at the end of the staircase. My body screaming at me. But I ignored it. Knowing the worst was yet to come.

"Thought you could run away huh?" He growled grabbing a chunk of my hair and lifting me off the floor. Tears streamed down my face. I wobbled next to him. His alcohol drenched breath blowing in my face.

"Your lucky your pretty." His lips kissed my neck and then my jaw. Leaving shivers running down my spine.

"Does your boyfriend fuck you like I do?" My heart dropped. His fist tightened in my hair and I groaned at the pain.

"Mm." He seductively growled in my ear. He brought me to the couch and laid me down. The beer bottle was smashed and laying strewn across the floor in front of the stairs. His hands trailed down my body.

My eyes were sealed shut. My breathing increasing rapidly as his hands began to lift my shirt. The tears poured but I showed no emotion. I couldn't allow him the satisfaction. My body was fully exposed to him. His tongue flicking across my nipple. I cringed at the sudden contact. His lips enveloping the nub. I moaned just like he always wanted. I had to put on the show he desired.

"Moan for me baby." His fingers traveled down to my core. His finger slipping in and out at slow paces. He took them out and shoved them in my mouth.

"Taste yourself baby, come on." I sucked off the liquid from his fingers. Dreading his next movements. His hand lifted my thigh to rest on his hip. His erection rubbing against me.'

The red sticky liquid covered the bathroom floor, it seeped from the thin line. I rose the sharp thin piece of metal to my thigh. It's edge perfectly aligned to the vertical incision. I glided it across my skin, the sting following after the ripping of the delicate skin. Blood running down to drop into the pool of similar liquid on the floor.

The tears fell from my eyes in sync with the blood. Emotions pouring from my every being and then complete numbness taking over me. It was a feeling I'd grown towards. It helped to forget and help get over. I'd hold in all my emotions and hurt and pain and let it out. It was my outlet.

My safe haven. It was the only consistent thing in my life. It wouldn't leave me. It wouldn't cheat on me. It wouldn't beat or rape me. My cries became sobs. The memories and eternal darkness taking over. My body shook and the blood continued to rush from the clean wound. I had the same feeling of how it would all by numb within moments.

That's the part I seeked, that I craved. My head dropped as the feelings disappeared and the cold hard tiles floor disappeared from beneath me. I cleaned up the mess and left the bathroom to find everyone asleep except for Ty. The light on for his office was on and he was sitting at his computer. The bathroom I was in was in the hallway that also lead to the open area where we ate dinner and had our 'meetings'.

I must have squeaked the floor or been whispering to myself because his head rose and his eyes locked with mine. He leaned back in his chair and motioned with his hand for me to approach. I did so with reluctance. Praying the blood wasn't running down my leg.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" His voice was firm but groggy and sleepy. And oh so sexy.

"Woke up and couldn't go back to sleep." My head was bowed, my fingers becoming intriguing. I could hear him rise from his chair and walk towards me. His finger lifting my chin. Our eyes meeting. He looked so.... Sad.

But how could such a beautiful and powerful man be sad? He has everything he's ever wanted. As if he read my mind he whispered,

"Not everything." I had the urge to look down again. Overwhelmed with his stare but his grip on my chin wouldn't allow me to do so.

"What don't you have? You have money, power, girls throwing themselves at you, you have the looks. What more could you want?"

"You." He barely whispered. My heart fluttered, the rise of my breathing intensifying the rapid beating of my chest. I hoped he didn't notice.

"Why? Why me?" It was of utmost obvious of questions. Considering he could have any woman he wanted. And I'm sure he's had quite a bit.

"Honestly. I myself can't answer that question. I've never felt this way about a woman before. I've never had my breath get caught in my throat at the sight of her. My heart rate speeding up when I'm within inches of her lips." My palms drenched in sweat from becoming nervous around her.

"Why would you be nervous around me?" I was the most harmless thing ever. But him. He was so dangerous and handsome. He made me feel so small.

"Because I've already fucked up once. I don't really have any more chances." It's really gonna suck to wake up and realise this was all a dream.

"I still don't understand what happened that night. You've never explained it." His hand dropped from my chin. A slight whimper leaving my lips at the loss of contact. He smirked and entwined our fingers.

"Come. We will discuss this in my room." In his room? Like alone? On his bed? Oh god. Now I was really getting nervous. As If on command he quickly replied,

"You don't have to sleep in there if you don't feel comfortable. I just thought it made sense to be able to sit down somewhere and talk in private."

"What if I want to sleep in there with you?" He stopped and turned to me. A smirk laced his angelic face. "I think we can work something out." He teased. My cheeks burning a dark shade of pink. We made it to his bedroom.

The fresh scent of roses filled the room. A smell that wasn't there the last time I was here. He laid on the bed and patted the spot next to him. I climbed in and decided to sit in front of him so we were face to face. He smirked and ran a hand through his hair. Damn. That hair.

"There was a guy at the bar that night that I had a brief discussion with. Everyone knows I have a rep with woman and he decided to make a bet with me that I couldn't get you in bed with me. It must have been since ninth grade when we were once friends that I'd been in love with you. When he pointed you out my heart dropped. But I never stood down from a bet. I wasn't actually going to do anything with you. Just go to an empty room and say we did when we didn't. But me being the show off arrogant ass I am. I just had to play the whole asshole part. Did Seth tell you that he was with me at the club that night? I'd invited him. The irony"I shook my head. I'd had no idea that Ty and Seth came together. The thought never even came across me.

"Well he did. I felt sorry for the kid sitting at home alone and invited him out. God how I wish I didn't. Not just because he dislocated my nose..."

He stopped and looked away from me to a random far away spot in the room.

"If that night never happened you would have never fallen in love with him. He would have never been alone with you, or comforted you. It's all my fault really."

He clenched his jaw and took a deep breath. His body tense. I took his hand in mine. A wave of euphoria washed over me at his touch. I could tell he felt it too. Both of our attention on each other.

"I think I'm falling for you too." I whispered. His lips curved into a grin but it faintly disappeared within seconds.

"But you still love Seth." And then he stood from the bed. Walking off into the darkness.

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