Chapter 1 ~Scarletts POV~

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"What the hell?" Phoebe shrieks, taking the exact words out of my mouth.

Phoebe was one of those girls who was a drama queen. If she got a B on a test she'd throw a fit. Sometimes it was a bit ridiculous, but she was funny so it kind of evened out her craziness.

Besides her quirky personality she was one of the smartest and prettiest girls at Hartwood high school.

Her dark green eyes were almost mesmerizing, her golden skin shimmered. The long black silky locks were curled to perfection as they lay perfectly on her shoulders. She wore a lot of eye makeup which I found unnecessary. But even I found her captivating in the way her face glows.

Her father was the second richest at our school. He owned various jewelry stores such as "Jareds, Kays Jewelers" and the list is never ending. Lets say her parents are loaded and she doesn't seem too keen to hide the fact. She'd gotten offered a scholarship to go to Harvard and Princetont but by god knows why she chose to go to Brown.

She says its where her mom went but, no one in their right mind should turn down Princeton.

I'd be lucky if I was offered a scholarship at NYU.

My mind began to wonder again.

As I look back their is a whole list of vile things id say in that moment. But instead I stood and watched.

Taking in every second of his hands all over another female. Someone who wasn't me. I couldn't bear the thought.

I couldn't even comprehend how I stood and watched without crumbling on the spot. It was as if I became stronger, I could hold my own.

I didn't need him. And he obviously didn't need me. Why should I pout about it?

Exactly. I won't. Brandon Chase was nothing but a past memory. Nothing but a stupid mistake. In the end I'd learn a lesson, I'd hoped.

My body jolted to the side, a sharp pain surging through my harm. "Ouch!" I shudder, grasping the aching pain in my shoulder. "Whoops, sorry babe." Sam apologetically jokes, pouting his bottom lip like a child.

He takes his large hand and runs it softly over the material of my long sleeve v-neck. Attempting to comfort the swollen injury he'd inflicted on me with such a subtle tap to the arm.

I attempt to punch him back but only injure myself further. "Shit Sam!"

He chuckles, "I've been working out. You know, trying to get in shape for lacrosse tryouts."

Sam was the kind of guy you could drool over for hours. His deep green eyes would sparkle in the light, his loose Carmel locks were greased back, showing off his sculpted jaw line.

His smirk showed off his prominent dimples. He was the "It" guy of Hartwood high. He had the looks, obviously.

He had the money, his dad being the businessman of an architecture company. His mom a stay at home mom, she was the sweetest women you'd ever meet. So gentle and polite, she was almost like the mother I never had.

He's the captain of the lacross team, full paid scholarship to Standord university. Not that he needed it. He had a 4.67 gpa.

Sometimes I wonder how someone so good looking can hold all his own and still be incredibly intelligent.

"So what happened? I mean we know what happened, but did you say anything?" Claire questioned, which is all she did all morning long.

Claire was the gossip, social butterfly of the group. If someone broke up, she'd be the first to know. She knew everything about everyone. Which came in handy sometimes.

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