Chapter 5 ~Seths POV~

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Hello my lovelies!! So this chapter will have a few parts to it since its so long.

I'd love to know your thoughts and feedback, vote, fan and like if you like it!! Enjoy!


*Ten minutes earlier*

I watched her from the bar. The way her hips rolled up against her friend. The effortless movements captivating me. I continued to watch her.

Her friends whispered something to her before walking towards the bar. She stood in the middle of the dance floor alone, a worried and uncomfortable expression plastered across her face. I thought about going up and talking to her but then a guy came up to her.

He wrapped his arms around her tiny waist. His chin lowering to her shoulder, she grinned and began to dance on him. Slow sensual movements took place as his hands roamed her body.

Well that backfired. I gulped down the last of my glass of coke and turned to see if Ty was still trying to get into the bar tenders pants. But he wasn't there. Huh, must've gone and found another girl to scratch his itch. If you know what I mean.

I decided not too think too much into it. I didn't feel too keen to watch some guy rub up against her and I had to piss so I made my way to the restroom.

I pushed through the many intoxicated and horny teenagers and finally managed to get to the bathroom. I swung the door open to find it empty.

The walls were painted a light emerald green, and they were decorated with graffiti as well as the stalls. Three urinals hung from the wall and their were two stalls. A large bronze mirror hung over the two sinks.

I didn't feel like taking too much effort in taking a whizz so I went over to the urinals. As i finished washing my hands I realized how quiet it had become. The walls weren't shaking because of the obnoxious music and I couldn't hear the screaming of drunk teenagers.

I walked out of the restroom to find my observation true. The music had stopped, the room silent with a few whispers and a shout from afar. The dancing had stopped as well, everyone was crowded into what looked like a circle around the middle of the club.

I made my way towards the center of the crowd of people to see the girl, she was talking to the guy she was with earlier. She didn't look too happy with the way he was treating her. She turned to walk away but he took a hold of her defenseless wrist with a tight grasp.

She winced in pain as he pulled her towards him, her eyes full of fear and newly formed tears. He held her close to his chest, his hands roaming down her back, he lifted her chin with his index finger and whispered something into her ear.

I could barely make out what he said but what I got was, "I won't hurt you too much." I felt a sudden boil of anger form in me, it was a feeling I couldn't ignore.

I walked towards them to find the guy who was with her was none other than Ty. Figures. I knew he'd gone and found some girl but why her? Another surge of rage rushed through me and before I could think of a rational answer to my next actions I was springing towards him.

I pushed her out of the way to be stood in front of him. Surprise and anger washed over his face, I clenched my jaw. This was not okay, I didn't give a fuck who he was at that moment as I pushed him backwards.

"Get the fuck off of her, Ty!" He looked dumbfounded as I took another step towards him, his feet regaining their balance. He pushed me back with twice the force as I'd forced him back with.

The moment progressed in me on top of Ty, beating the life out of him. I felt a gentle hand pull me away, "Stop!! Please!" The girl pleaded. I stood from his weak body and turned to who had interrupted my sudden outburst.

It was her, the girl I'd done this for. A look of fear still showed through her eyes but I could tell by the way her body had relaxed she was a bit relieved. I took a hold of her hand before rushing her out of the club. She was screaming for me to let her go but I continued to keep walking.

I stopped dead in my tracks realizing I didn't have a car and I was in big shit. I turned to the girl, tears streaming down her cheeks. I brushed them away with my thumb, trying my best to comfort her. "It's alright sweetheart, in gonna take you home." As the words left my mouth I'd realized how that wasn't possible.

Ty had connections, he'd be out looking for us by morning, he'd find her house and continue to scowl till he found us both dead or alive. She still looked terrified as I tried to think of a way to get us out of here. "How'd you get here?" I asked her, she sniffles a moment, scrunching her nose, "I drove here with my friends." She responded with a few sniffles in between.

I decided that was our only way out of here. "Where's the car?" She scrunched up her nose again before walking towards a red ferrari. "Fuck." I muttered under my breath, she turned to me with a sweet smirk.

She walked up to the drivers door but turns to me with a worried look. "I don't have the keys." "Oh sweetheart, we don't need the keys." She gave me a confused look before I motioned for her to move away. She scoots far enough to watch what I'm about to do.

I take my elbow and aim it straight for the window, smashing the glass into shards. She gave me a shocked look before I reached in and unlocked the car. "Hop in sweetheart." She scurried to the other side and crawled in.

I laid down my jacket and sat in the front. This is the time to use those car jacking skills you learned from your dad Seth. I ripped the blue and red wires from the bottom of the wheel. I brought them together to hear the engine rev up.

I looked to give her an "I told you so" look but she had her head laid on the window weeping silently. I closed the door and started towards who knows where. "Where's you house sweetheart?"

She quickly wiped her eyes before looking up at me. Her green blue eyes shone glossy from the previously shed tears. "Pine meadow?" She replied more as a question than a statement.

I let out a whistle before starting towards one of the richest neighborhoods in the city.

I pulled up into her drive way and gave her a sympathetic look before explaining the next few moments. Which were extremely crucial. "Okay sweetheart I need to explain something to you." She gave me a confused look before leaning forward so she could hear what I had to say.

"Okay?" She replied, I looked her in the eyes. "I know what I'm about to say will be hard for you to process so, please just listen to all I have to say before you do anything."

She gave me a weak apprehensive nod and I proceeded, "The guy you were with, his names Ty. I'm sure you know him from school." She gave me an aggravated eye roll before I continued.

"He's very dangerous and very powerful." She began to look around the car to find some kind of comfort in this obviously serious moment. "Sweetheart?" She quickly turned back to me, aware I'd seen her uncomfortable being. "Yeah?"

It was barely a whisper. "Are you okay?" She nodded again, i was unable to respond verbally with a liable answer to why she was in a car with a stranger who'd just saved her life, and is about to explain she'd have to run away with "said" stranger. And never see anyone from this town ever again.

It wasn't an easy conversation i'll admit but I finally found the words, "What I'm trying to say is, we're going to have to leave. I need you to go in that house and get anything you need because we're not coming back here."

Her jaw dropped but that was my first expectation, but then came the surprise. She raised her hand, the stinging contact with her palm swelled around my irritated cheek. "What the hell?" I shouted to her.

"Do you really just expect me to go anywhere with you? A random guy in a club? You must be shit crazy." And with that she exited the car to run up the stairs to the large golden door to slam it shut before I'd comprehended what had just happened.

But what I knew was I had to get Scarlett out of here before Ty found her.

Ba dum tsk!! Wasn't expecting that no? Huh well who knew I too had some tricks under my sleeve?

What's Seth gonna do to get Scarlett out? And will it be too late?

Click on chapter five (part two) to find out ;)

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