Chapter 3 ~Brandons POV~

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Hey lovely readers, I love to hear what you have to say about the story so far.

This is gonna be a long chapter so a lot will be explained if you were confused leave a comment and ill answer it.

But this is like the fill in chapter, makes everything make sense.


I watched her enter the room. A smug look of annoyance crossed her face. I gave her one of my smirks to see if she would return the favor but instead I received an eye roll.

I was confused at first but just decided maybe she was just having a bad day. I patted the seat next to me as I watched her eyes wonder the room for a seat.

Her expression continued to gloom over her beautiful face. I wanted that smile she gave me when she laughed when her cheeks turned a tint of pink and her eyes squinted. I admired her from afar.

Her beautiful green eyes sparkled in the light sunshine, sometimes glinting a shade of green. I loved the way her hair fell effortlessly over her snug shoulders, knowing she never even bothered to do anything to it making it all the more beautiful.

My eyes trailed down her torso. Her chest want huge but it wasn't small. One of my favorite things about her. The pierce the veil tee she wore hugged her small waist. And she wore a pair of tight skinny jeans that showed off her medium sized hips.

She made her way through the aisles without a smirk or slant of her mouth. "Hey babe." I greeted her. A smirk still planted across my face.

She flashed me a smirk but I could tell it wasn't real. Only a return of my gesture to get me off her back.

"Hey." She replied, taking the seat I'd spared for her. It started to dawn on me how down she was acting. Maybe she just needed some comfort.

I place my hand on her thigh, running my hand along the thin material. Her body tensed at my touch. She'd never been nervous before when I touched her. What was going on with her?

My thoughts were invaded by an angry spurt from Scarlett. "Who is she?" The words rolled off her tongue like acid. My body became tense as did my grip on her thigh.

I knew exactly what she meant. The girl I'd slept with last Friday. I'd run to class to receive my book from Mrs. Lane's class.


I laid my face in my jacket, the low mumble of the teacher bombarding the rough and loud sound of my booming music. I rose the volume, trying to ignore the irrelevant banter I had no intention of remembering.

A moment later my defense mechanism was intruded. "Mr. Chase? Would you like to join us?" She blurted before slamming her palm onto the desk once more to get my attention. I rose my head, sending her a fake smirk to reassure her I'd pay attention.

I'd fallen asleep moments later to be woken by a loud ringing. I clasped my heavy eye lids open to find everyone packing up their stuff. I stood up, rubbing my eyes and stretching my tensed limbs.

I didn't really care for ecology, and it never cared for me. Or so I thought.

I zipped up my bag ready to leave. When I heard a buzz of my phone,


Bro! Get to the front, theirs a fight!

The text enticed me but I wasn't up for watching two idiots beat the crap out of each other for attention and YouTube views.

I continued to the front of the class. And made my way to the front. A crowd of kids were crowded in a circle around the what I was guessing two dim wits who were probably fighting about which ones dick was bigger or how many sluts they'd banged sober.

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