Chapter 14 ~Scarletts POV~

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It was a risky subject I could tell but what was I supposed to do but be curious?

Ty shook his head and released my hand. The sudden lack of contact making me gasp. He smirked, motioning towards a room across the office.

I'd come to find the warehouse to hold about five rooms, Seth and I's rooms, Ty's office, a dining area, and by the obvious food supply a kitchen. The fifth room being the obvious.

Ty's room.

I mean we did just have a break through but this seemed a bit forward. I decided to ignore the thought and admire the mere sight of the sanctuary this mysterious man found his comfort in. Or momentarily that is.

I found his hand make its way to the small of my back. A slight tingling sensation from his touch emitting through me.

He ushered me to sit on the bed and I did so with reluctance. Oh god. I need to sit down. This must be something serious. Great. Was there some sort of serial killer out who was after me?

"Scarlett, do you have any idea what I do?" He stood with glowering eyes and his arms crossed over his chest. Broad and sculpted biceps were evident through his grey v neck. Damn.

"Umm." I gulped back my admiration. "Doesn't it have something to do with drug exchange?" He let out a raspy mumble which I in return muffled an alarming moan from my lips.

I'd never thought in a million years I'd think Ty Anderson was so beautiful. But I'd never gotten the chance to fully examine his perfect features.

His messy Carmel locks lay stray and loose, the only understood amount of time spent on it was a hand ran through. I urged to run my fingers through the strands. To smell his shampoo.

I bit my lip with reassurance to myself of my desire. Hoping he didn't notice.

His chocolate brown eyes were dark and emotionless. They gave nothing away. As did his tightened and muscular build.

He always wore t shirts and V-necks with dark washed jeans that cling nicely to his legs. In my opinion he'd look dashing in anything.

He owned what seemed like one pair of converse that looked as thought they matched his very subtle attire.

I wasn't complaining.

He strode towards me with his hand ruffling through his hair. His dark eyes seemingly darker. With what? Anger? Rage? Or..lust?

I mean I was sitting on his bed. I'm sure that would bring up some kinky memories for a guy of such looks whom girls would fling themselves at.

But it comforted me in some odd way to know no matter how many women he could posses. He only wanted me.

He index finger stroked my cheek with the gentleness of his care. What was this? And how? I'd thought I could only feel like this with Seth.

But somehow this was better. It was different. My heart fluttered and my skin tingled at his touch. I feel wanted and craved around Ty.

With Seth I feel comfortable. Like I could tell him anything and everything. He was the one I'd call a friend that I'd find myself watching chick flicks with and having him meet my dad. He was safe.

Ty was dangerous. And at that moment. I knew who I wanted.

"Scarlett?" Ty whispered in my ear. Chills pricking my now goosebump covered body. I nodded and he comtinued. Not that I was listening.

He was kneeling in front of me now. His finger traced my lips.

"I can't concentrate when your biting your lip Scarlett." His voice was low and raspy.

Intolerably sexy.

"Sorry." I continued to bow my head but he lifted my face with his finger under my chin.

"Your so cute." He leaned down and kissed my forehead. I relished the feel of his soft lips.

"Dinner will be at 8. We'll continue this conversation then." He stopped and leaned against the door frame. "When I can concentrate."

He almost growled as he exited the room. Leaving me to explore his room.

The room was rather large. A king sized bed set in the middle. A large painting of various colours and objects hung over the bed. It was a bunch of flowers. Mostly red and white.

It fit the rooms theme. The walls were white with a red lining. The bed cover was white with red flowers. It wasn't a manly room but it had a certain peaceful feeling.

A dresser and a side table were up against the other two walls. What most intrigued me was the closet.

I was a typical teenage girl who enjoyed clothes. But what I discovered could have caused cardiac arrest.

Shelves beyond shelves of glistening and brand new tagged dresses, shirts, pants, shoes, purses and jewellery were arranged in a marvellous array of nothing less of paradise.

Suddenly I felt a presence with me and turned to see Ty leaning against the door with his foot crossed over the other, his arms crossed and his magical smirk.

Jesus help me. He's killing me.

"You like?" I looked back to what I'd discovered and couldn't help the faint amount of surprise and almost anger at it.

"This isn't for me is it?" He gave me a confused nod and walked towards me. But I took a step back.

"What's wrong? Don't you like them?" I folded my hands over my chest.

"It's not that I don't like them it's the fact that you bought all this.. For me." I hesitated to say the last part. Afraid of.... Rejection.

He smirked and brushed a finger over my cheek, taking a step forward.

"Ah, your one of those girls huh? Modest and innocent. But oh so irresistible." I closed my eyes and tried to focus on something other than the radiating heat and tingled sensation his touch and our close proximities effect had on me.

I opened my eyes to see him admiring me. Sincerity and something like care in his eyes.

I removed his hand from my face and walked around him to only have him grab me by the wrist with abruptness.

"Do you really not like them?" I turned to him and I wanted so badly to brush the stray strands of hair out of his beautiful face.

'Stop thinking like that!!' I mentally slapped myself.

"The first thing to know about girls like me is we can't be bought." I left him standing in the closet with both a smirk and a simple cross between annoyance and understanding.

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