A simple park with two baseball fields next to each other, a swing set and a water tower with the city's name on it. If he could make it behind one of the four supporting legs of the water tower, he ruminated, he could protect himself from whomever searched for him. Sixty steps away is all he needed. The two beings, moving quickly now, far faster that Samuel flew, attempted to close the gap between them. Easily surmising their sentience due to their coherent thoughts, panic swept through him.

"I need to hide!" He thought desperately. "They will find me if I don't hide!"

Reaching one of the tower legs, sitting with his knees to his chest, placing his hands on his ears, Samuel chanted in his mind, "I'm invisible. They cannot find me! I am INVISIBLE! They can't find me!"

His heartbeat pounded in his head; a thump swelled in his throat. The more he chanted this invocation, the deeper he breathed. Everything seemed to fade away. Darkness took him over as he hyperventilated. Passing out while his head thudded against the soft dirt.

Awakening, later, to an orange and reddish sky, the aroma of wildflowers and dandelions, nearly overtook him. The fresh green grass felt moist around his torso. Pressing on the moisture, bringing his fingertips to his nostrils, ammonia flooded his nasal passages.

Repressing a gag as the smell pressed deep into his sinuses, Samuel noticed he had wet himself. A shadowy figure loomed directly in front of him. The figure, not the size of an adult but menacingly waved its hands around in aggressive gestures as they attempted communication with Samuel.

Samuel, blinking his eyes confused, attempted to focus. Pushing himself up with his left hand and stabilizing on his right, he peered at the figure. The sun, started to set behind the figure as a shadow cast across his face. Without realizing it, understanding that he blocked out sound somehow. The figure's mouth moved silently.

A familiar shape with an oversized t-shirt of the Pittsburg Steelers and tan shorts with flip-flops, he, a boy with strawberry blonde, shoulder length hair. Gazing toward the left his face illuminated briefly. With an almost comical pointed chin, sunken eyes, and a smooshed nose, his complexion very fair with pronounced freckles, his hideous brother, Kyle stood before him.

"What the shit are you doing? Get up!" Kyle cried. "Dad told me to find you. Mom needs to talk to you now. So, get your ass up and let's get going."

Samuel slowly looked left and right and remembering the two who came after him. He rubbing his temples attempting to try to feel their location, nothing. Nothing presented itself. He was alone and safe.

"Hey dummy, did you hear me? Let's go!" Kyle said while pointing to the direction of their house.

Relieved, Samuel pushed himself to a sitting position before standing up with the help of his knees.

"What the fuck dude? Did you piss yourself?" Kyle said with his mouth agape.

Samuel looked down at his soaked crotch and then at his brother, his face a mask. Not caring what Kyle thought, the boy turned around, peering at the forest with wonder in his eyes. Looking glorious in the waning sunlight, the multicolored leaves sparkled, shimmering their majestic qualities. Taking in the full measure of the forest, Samuel smirked. Kyle, roughly grabbed the collar of Samuel's shirt, shaking the boy.

"C'mon dickhead. We're leaving." He said with a sense of worry lingering in his voice.

Minus the insults coming from Kyle, the walk home was uneventful. Living less than a mile from the park, they quickly made their way back. When they opened the door to their home, the overwhelming smell of urine and decay filled his nostrils.

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