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June 18, 2094


The cool water of the lake soothed my warm skin as I washed away the dirt from the day's work. Thankfully Fox had let Lauren and me stay around the compound for a while, seeing as we didn't really have anywhere to go.

Ducking under the cold water and completely engulfing my body, I scrubbed my face the best I could before slowly emerging from the water with my hair matted against my back and neck. I could feel prying eyes on me, and I slowly turned my head around to see Lauren looking at my bare back while mumbling something to herself it seemed like. She quickly turned away when she realized she had been caught gazing, and I smiled to myself as I turned back around and continued to wash.

Lauren had been very confusing lately. I knew she was trying to break free of the contacts, but I also knew that was impossible. Some days she was really sweet an endearing, and others she would just ignore me altogether, not even bothering to glance my way. Not to mention that she wouldn't let me go anywhere by myself, and I mean anywhere. The hike to the lake was about two miles, and Lauren insisted that she join me. Rolling my eyes at her overprotective nature, I let her come along despite feeling self-conscious that she would see me without any clothes on. Instead of being nervous and letting it get to me, I just began taking off my clothes as soon as I reached the water. Lauren awkwardly turned around and cleared her throat, and I smirked knowing I had made her blush.

I finished washing and slowly walked up the rocky floor of the lake, stopping by the backpack I brought filled with a change of clothes. The sun was glistening off of my water-soaked skin, droplets constantly running down my toned stomach and legs. I stepped into the change of clothes, keeping my eyes on Lauren as I buttoned my pants.

"You can turn around now," I said as I rang the excess water out of my hair. 

Lauren turned around and had a somber look on her face. Her glowing eyes were dimmed, and her arms were crossed loosely over her chest as she looked at me. I visibly saw her gulp as she looked me up and down, and usually I would have turned away out of embarrassment, but she made me feel comfortable in my own skin even if she was looking at me ravenously.

"We have to go," she said a moment later, diverting her eyes to the woods where the trees were heavy and hungry with life. 

That's what I was talking about...mixed signals. I couldn't ever tell what she was thinking. Running a hand through my still damp hair, I sighed.

"Okay, just let me get my things." I began putting the dirty clothes inside of the backpack before slipping on my shoes and walking back towards the compound.

"That's not what I meant," Lauren said from behind me. I turned around to face her to see that she was walking in the opposite direction.

"Where are you going? The compound is this way." I pointed over my shoulder.

"We have to go back to Boston, not back to the compound. Let's go, we have a long day's travel ahead of us."

"No," I returned. Lauren halted and turned to face me. This time I crossed my arms over my chest, showing her defiance. "We can't just leave unannounced. Fox has been nothing but kind to us, Lauren. They've accepted us into their compound, letting us live amongst them freely."

She scoffed. "Are you forgetting the part when she almost killed you? Because I remember it very well."

"I haven't forgotten it, but I can't dwell on it anymore. It happened, it's over. We can't go back and do things differently. We just have to accept that it happened and move on. I think you could learn something from that." I turned on my heel to start walking back towards the compound, but before I could take a step, Lauren was already in front of me.

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