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April 28, 2094


I remember my mother's coronation like it was yesterday. I was six, and Lauren was a newborn. Walking into my mother's room and stopping in the open doorway with my little hands intertwined together, I rocked back and forth in my spot as I lifted my blue eyes to watch my mother get ready in the floor length mirror. She was wearing her famous black pant suit with her matching stilettos, and I watched as she pushed the pearl earrings through the holes in her ears with a sparkling smile gracing her face soon after noticing me in the mirror.

"Valerie, dear, you look beautiful. Come here." She turned around and knelt down to wave me over. I kept my head down shyly as I trotted over to my waiting mother. Once I reached her she embraced my tiny frame, engulfing my entire body in her toned arms. I could smell her perfume, and from that day forward I would always adore the smell of lilac. She pulled me back to hold me out in front of her, her dark eyes staring into mine lovingly. Reaching her hand up and lightly pulling on one of my tightly coiled curls, she let it spring back into place.

"Are you nervous?" she asked when she noticed I had yet to say a word. I nodded while fiddling with my fingers, and she chuckled to herself as she straightened out my black and white polka dot dress before proceeding to fix the red bow in my blonde hair.

"You don't need to be nervous, dear. You'll be right beside me the entire time. Your grandmother used to tell me to imagine everyone in their underwear."

I laughed at the thought, and she smiled at my reaction, clearly pleased that she got me to relax. She placed her hands on my shoulders as she leaned in to give me a kiss on the forehead.

"Go check on your father and sister. I can hear Lauren crying from here," she laughed, and I nodded as I made my way out of the room. 

Before exiting I turned around one last time to see my mother take a deep breath as she straightened out her own clothing. She looked into the mirror and recited the same words she said to me, "Imagine them in their underwear, Clara." I smiled as I made my way downstairs to see my father cleaning off his suit from where Lauren had ruined it.

"Ms. Jauregui, we're ready for you." A camera man brought me out of my reverie as he signaled for me to go up on stage. I shook my head to rid the remains of the memory as I fluffed my hair and smoothed out my black pant suit, mother's signature. I took a deep breath and pursed my lips as I grabbed onto the railing of the stairs. As I took them one by one, I could hear the crowd roar louder and louder as I came into view.

I raised my manicured hand and waved to the gigantic crowd that had gathered downtown for my coronation. The cheering and whistling echoed off the skyscrapers, and an instinctual smile made its way to my face. The camera flashes were constant, and I could hear various news reporters below the stage giving the scoop to the viewers at home. When I finally made it to the wooden podium stamped with the region's seal, the large crowd quieted to near silence. The camera man below gave me the signal that we were live, and I cleared my throat before speaking.

"People of Boston, of the lovely state of Massachusetts, and the rest of Region One, I am honored to be standing here as your new Commander and your new leader of the Jauregui facilities." A round of applause occurred, and I waited until they were finished to continue. "When I was younger my mother calmed my nerves by telling me to imagine you all in your underwear, and I have to helps." The crowd laughed at my poor attempt at a joke, but it helped me relax significantly. "My mother was an astounding woman and even better Commander to all of you. She ran this city and the facilities with such poise that it will be almost impossible to match. As I look at all of you standing before me, I can promise you that I will do everything within my power to protect you and keep you safe. I can promise you that I will adhere to all of your requests regarding our region and community. Before I am officially indicted as your Commander and protector, there is one more thing I have to say." I leaned away from the microphone as I scanned the crowd. Everyone was looking at me expectantly, waiting for an answer. Little kids were clinging onto their parent's legs as they looked up at me with tired eyes, and I began to think of the information Lauren had told me early this morning about Ally's pregnancy. I figured if I couldn't get the girl, I was going to get something.

Tyrant (Lazaretto Sequel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora