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*trigger warning for violence*

April 7, 2094


We had spent the last few days at Ally's parent's house. We were all itching to be outside of the prison; even it was just for a while. Ally's parents were very welcoming and sweet. She had a younger sister, and I couldn't help but smile at their similarities. She had the same long dark hair and amber eyes. She was the epitome of innocence, and I hoped it stayed with her. I also couldn't help to parallel her with my own sister. Though I may not have known her for very long, even though one would consider nine years a long time, I didn't know her. Not in the way I wanted to, anyway. She was taken from me far too soon.

As I sat at the dinner table during one of the meals we had there, I couldn't help but watch her as she ate. I smiled at the way she held her fork. It was clutched tightly in her hand as if she were scooping instead of stabbing. I also watched as her mom quietly scolded her from across the table, and I watched as her face turned into a pout as she corrected herself. She was only eleven. I watched as her nimble fingers reached into the middle of the table to pick up a roll off the tray. Her nails were painted a soft pink. The gleaming in her eyes hardly went unnoticed. They sparkled almost, like the stars did at night. It felt like I was looking into the most beautiful galaxy of the entire universe. I was transfixed. I was enamored with this little girl.

I found myself smiling slightly as she laughed, my food in front of me long forgotten. It was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. It was full of joy and nostalgia. She vaguely reminded me of myself at that age. Clueless, but longing for something more. I think that's why I felt so attached to her. I wanted her to have the proper chance at life like I didn't, partially for her own sake, and I think partially for my own. Her name was Grace. And I thought to myself, what a fitting name.

Once we were back at the prison, I found myself in Ally and Troy's cell. Since I had my talk with her at the gas station, she was opening herself back up to Troy, and I could tell he was happier. He didn't drink as much, and he didn't smoke as much either. I sat on the floor hugging my knees to my chest as she lied down on her cot.

"Have you told him yet?" I asked. She sighed and shook her head. She too pulled her knees to her chest, her hair falling in front of her eyes slightly. I began picking at the stitching on my pants. "You know you have to, right?"

"I know," she breathed. "I hate lying to him."

I nodded my head in understanding. The other day I had accompanied Ally to their family doctor, someone they knew and trusted wouldn't turn us in to the police. She told Troy that her and I were just going on a walk and not to worry, but little did he know, worrying was what he should be doing. The appointment hadn't gone well, and we returned back to her parent's house a couple hours later to a smiling, oblivious Troy.

"What do you think it will be like?" Ally asked, breaking the silence. She tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"What do you mean?"

"Dying," she stated.

My eyes widened. I slowly got up from my position and sat next to her on the cot. Her eyes were blank, filled with void and acceptance of her possible future. I knew there was no use arguing with her on the subject. The doctor had told her the chances were high if she didn't follow through with the procedure. I sighed as I reached my hand up and began to stroke her back gently.

"What do you think it will be like?" I asked instead. I bit the inside of my lip to keep from crying.

"Peaceful," she whispered. She continued to stare at the cinder block wall, her hands tucked underneath her head for support. I continued my movements on her back as she spoke. "I hope it's like that day we played in the you remember that?" She tilted her head up slightly to look at me. I nodded back sadly at the memory. "I think I'll float amongst the clouds, harboring my soul in the mist. I think it will be effortless as I make my way to earth when my name is called upon. I think I'll be cold," she nodded as she closed her eyes. "Not cold as in bitter, but cold as in when my body is drained of warmth. I'll be a snowflake," she smiled. "I won't be like any other of my kind. I'll be free. Free of this cruel and unloving earth. And when it snows, you'll think of me. I'll be the one you've been waiting for to fall, the one that finally lands on your tongue after what seemed like hours of trying."

Tyrant (Lazaretto Sequel)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें