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We all get packed and head for the air port, their were so many fans lined up at the air port it was freaky! We say hi to them as we walk by and when we get in the plain I see that my seat is next the one and only Luke Hemmings.

"Oh. My. God." I say speechless as I see the long blond haired, talented Hottie sitting in my row

"Oh, well hello" luke says flashing his adorable smile

"H-h-hi" I say still schocked

"Well sit down love, plenty if room here" he says smiling again

"O-o-ok L-Luke" I say sitting down

"You know my name? Are you a fan?" He asks laughing

"Y-yes I'm a huge fan I love you and your band so much" I say smiling

"Awh, well I'm a fan of you to, Emely." He says smiling

"Y-y-y-y-y-y-y-you know m-m-m-m-m-my name?" I say a bit shocked

"Yes I do, your Emely miler. On of the funniest people in stage. Mr and the boys watched the show last night from a room with two way glass, we can see you but you couldn't see us. You were amazing on stage" he says smiling

"Holy shit" I say smiling like an idiot

"Hey no swearing!" A tall dirty blond curly haired guy says turning around smiling

"Y-Y-Y-You.... Ashton Irwin. Ohmygod" I say smiling even more like an idiot

"Yes I am. And you are Emely milker, now please don't swearing love" he says smiling at me

"O-o-ok" I say smiling

"No need to be shy kitten, were all nice here" a tall boy with purple hair says to me

"Tiger!" I say laughing a bit

"Kitten!" He replys

"Michael stop flirting!" A tall brown hair boy says laughing

"Um... I don't think he was flirting Calum. But if he was, please let it continue" I say laughing

"But what if I want to flirt? That means he can't." Calum says

"How about neither of you flirt with my girlfriend." Coldy says blankly

"Oh, bro im sorry we didn't know" Calum says

"Yeah well Now you-" Colby starts

"Coldy. I said we were good, I never said we were a thing again." I say exolaing to him

"But the fans voted and you said we were cool and hugged me. Were a thing again." He says laughing

"No Colby. Were not. After the shit you pulled, its gonna take more than just fans voting, an I'm sorry and a hug. Were cool as in I'll be your friend, but if you want something more you gotta start trying hard." I say smiling

"I am, I'm trying to hard. Why won't you take me back?" He says looking down

"You know exactly why Colby, I'm sorry." I say sad smiling

"Okay fine. Nash, trade me seats?" He asked and nash trades with him

"Colby what are you-" I ask but get cut oft

"In done trying." He says. That hurt me.

"Oh.... Okay.." I say looking down

"Its okay em, he'll come back." Nash says putting his arm around my shoulder hugging me

"Thanks nash" I say hugging back

"So love, where's your next stop?" Luke asks

"Um.... Nash?" I ask

"L.A" nash says

"No way us too" michael says smiling

"Yay!" I say laughing

"How would you like to come to the show?!" Calum says excitedly

"I'd love to!" I say smiling even more

"Great! Well pick you up, here out numbers" Calum says writing all the numbers down on a piece of paper and handing it to me

"Ohmygod thank you! Here mine!" I say giving them mine

"Cool, we'll for sure use it" Ashton says winking

Oh my...

"And I'll be sure to use yours" I saw winking back

"We are about to take off, everybody please take your seats and buckle your seatbelts. Thank you" the poilet says and we all follow

This will be amazing

The Viner dork |Colby Brock|-Book 1-Where stories live. Discover now