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"Babe?" I ask as I walk into a a dark room because I herd a big crash

"Hm?" I get as a responce

"It's fucking 3 am, what the hell are you doing in the bathroom with the lights out?" I ask

"I.. I um..." He says and I turn on the light

"Wha- COLBY!" I scream as I see him on the floor bleeding from his head

"What happeneed!? Nash!? Sam!" I scream but only Nash came (Yall r gonna hate me here pretty fast... I'm sorry!)

"What's wrong!?" Nash yells as he runs in

"Call an ambulance! He's bleeding like crazy!" I yell at him as he gets out his phone

"Colby, babe, who did this?" I ask as I hold a town to his bleeding head

"S.... Sam.." He says drowsily

"Who!? But why?! My fuck I'm going to kill him." I yell as I here sirens outside and a banging on the door

"I got it." Nash says letting them in and they take Colby and care for him

"Mrs. He demands you be with him." An officer says

"Yes officer, Nash-" I say but get cut off

"I'll meet you there, first I have to find Sam." He says pissed off

"Okay, but don't hurt him. That's my job." I say pissed aswell

*hour and a half later*

we finally get to in the hospital and all set up, he's getting taken care of right now and I'm not aloud in. I hope he gets better soon I really do.

Text messages
Me: what he fuck if wrong with you!?
Sam: what are you talking about babe?
Me: don't fucking babe me! I'm not yours. You hurt Colby!
Sam: Sweetheart, I was just trying to get back what was mine.
Me: I'm not fucking yours and I Swar to God when I find you I'll hurt you in ways you never though we're possible.
Sam: haha, good luck with that sweetheart. Now, o have important stuff to do now, bye love.

We start yo talk to the officers,

"who did this, do you know?" The first one asks

"Yeah I do, Sam did is." I say

"Sam.....  The one that was on tour with you and in the YouTube group Sam and Colby?" He asks

"Yeah, him. I don't know what his deal is but I Swar to God once I find him I will hurt him in ways unnamable. " I say pissed off

"No you won't. You will stay here with your boyfriend while we find him." Officer two says

"Why." I say blankly

"Because we don't want you to get into trubble." He says again

"Whatever, just please find him and ugh I don't want him hurt to badly, but enough to relize what he did was psychotic." I say and they nod then leave.

"Emely?" A nurse says taping in my shoulder

"Yes? How's Colby? Is he okay? Can I see him?" I ask anxiously

"Yes he is okay, just some stitches, bandages and he has some extra fluid we had to drain from his head. But he is okay now and is commanding to see you, they boy really does love you." She says smiling

"Oh thank god! Thank you!" I say huggin her then walk to Colby's room

"Babe?" I ask as I open the door

"Yeah, I'm here." He says but he sounds a bit off. I walk in and fuck.

"SAM! What the hell! Get out!" I yell at him as I angerly her closer

"No babe, I'd like to see my friend as much as you do." He says calmly

"I'm not your babe and he sure as hell isn't your friend anymore after what you did to him." I say pissed off

"Cmon babe, gimme a kiss." He says trying to kiss me

"The hell? No!" I yell as I slap him across the face but he keeps trying, I look over to see one of those emergency strings you pull if you need fast assistance and I pull all three that are hanging over the couch

"What's wrong!?" A nurse yells as 10 other follow her

"Get him out please! He's the one who did this to Colby and he's trying to force me to kiss him!" I yell and two officers tackle Sam to the ground

"Don't play all innocent Emely." Sam says as he's being pat down

"Shut up and have fun in jail, you fucktard." I say as I walk over to Colby who... He has scissors stabbed into his arm. What the hell

"nurse, nurse!" I yell

"What? Oh my, let me take care of that." The nurse says

"Colby it's okay now. I'm sosososos sorry babe." I say starting to cry

"No, don't cry... I-I'm fine babe. I-it's okay." He manages to get out.

"Okay babe, I love you Colby. I'm sorry, I didn't think he would do something like this it's just so weird. He was so sweet but I don't know what got into him." I say upset

"He's just jealous, I have an amazing girl and he wants you. But he can't have you so he's pissed off about it. It's okay tho, he can't hurt us anymore." Colby says smiling weakly.

"I love you." I say smiling

"I love you too" he says with a weak smile.

Why... Why does shit have to be so fucked up like seriously, Sam? Honestly I never bought he would do anything like this, I'm so fuckig don't with his shit I Swar. I hate him. (934 words in the chapter btw)

The Viner dork |Colby Brock|-Book 1-Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum