Mornings and Memorys

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The next morning I wake up naked, in my bed, next to Colby?

"Um... Colby? Hello? Ow! Why is my head hiring so much? Oh my god. Did we? Are you? What did? I? You? What? Colby!" I say confused and in pain

"Mmhmm...." Colby says still sleeping so I slap him

"Ow, what was that for?" He asks

"What happened last night?!" I ask wanting to know

"Oh, last bight we went on our date. We got really drunk, we canmme back to your house and got more drunk, and I'm not sure what happened next but by the looks of things.... We fucked." Colby says smiling

"Ohmygod. We did. I remember now. Shit...." I say remembering everything

"What?" Colby asks

"Oh nothing, I just have a huge headache and now I'm remembering everything that happened last night..." I say looking around

"Oh... Where are my cloths?" Colby asks

"Um.... Over there, by the dreaser." I say pointing

"Thanks" he says standing up and getting them,

"COLBY!" I yell covering my face with the blanket

"Haha what? Don't act like its all something new. You were enjoying it last night" Colby laughs

"Shut up." I say flipping him off

"Aren't you gonna get dressed?" Colby asks

"Yes. I am." I say reaching over to the night stand and grabbing Colby's shrt

"You realize that's mine right?" Colby asks

"Yup" I say pulling it on

"Ugh! Its long on you." He says whining

"Hehe I know." I say laughing at him

"Do you have asprin?" Colby asks

"Yeah, its in the night stand."I say and he gets it handing me some

"Thanks." He says

"Yup. Their is food in the fridge, help yourself to anything you want." I say to colby and he smiles

"Kay, I'll be there in a second" I say to him as he walks out and I get dressed

We eat breakfast and head over to his place next door and see Devin and Sam watching TV on the couch

"What's up make out buds?" Devin asks

"Shut up." Colby says

"You get some?" Sam asks

"Sam if you don't shut the hell up I will make it to where you cant ever 'get some' again." I say to sam

"Okay okay I'll stop." Sam says backing off

"So what do you guys wanna do today?" Devin asks

"Wait. Your Devin Hayes. Your fucking famous. How the hell do you know these two dorks and ohmygod can I have a hug?! Or something?! Ohmygod." I say as I realize who is in front of me

"Haha I see your girl friend is a fan, Colby. You a fan of him?" Devin asks me as he hugs me

"I didn't even know these dorks existed till they moved in." I say laughing a bit

"Really? Wow your dating a famous vine star and didn't even know it." Devin laughs

"I guess." I say with a smile

"Wait. You did a video with the old Magcon boys and Mahogany LOX. You know them? Can I have Mash's number!" I say happily

"Mash?" Devin asks

"If you don't have that then what about Cash's number?" I say happily

"Cash?" Devin asks confused

"Ohhh! You don't k ow their shipnames. Mash is Matt and Nash, Cash is Can and Nash." I say laughing

"Oooh! Yeah! Haha now I know. And yes, you can." He says laughing

"Yay!!!" I cheer and dial Nash

Phone call

Nash; hello?

Me: hi!

Nash; Um, Who is this and how did you get my number?

Me: I'm Emely, I'm dating Colby Brock from sam and colby and I'm with Devin Hayes and ohmygod I'm suck a big fan I got your number from Devin and I'm just like OMG your amazing and I wanted to tell you that and I figured that since I will like never get to meet you ever I would sa-

Nash; woah woah woah, calm down. And I don't like when fans say they will never meet me. Where are you now? If your close I wanna meet you.

Me; oh, I'm in New Jersey. But your last sighting was in New York, that's so far away and fans are always creeping in you and their hasn't been a new sighting so either your in a really really good fan proof disguise, or you haven't left.

Nash; wow, your really smart

Me: thank you. But actually, I'm just a stalkery FanGirl who tracks yours, and the other boys every step. I know it sounds creepy, but I don't care. I'm not going to lie.

Nash: um... Okay. And actually my next stop is in new Jersey. I'll be their in a while, stay there. I wanna meet you.

Me: i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i

Devin: *takes phone* good going nash, you broke her.

Nash: I didn't break her!

Devin: listen to her *holds phone to me*

Me: i-i-i-i-i-i-i

Devin: broke.

Nash: oh... Well I'm sorry.

Devin: its alright, but when you get here you better fix her.

Nash: no problem bro

Devin: alright man, I'll let you go and try to fix the girl. Bye man

Nash: haha you do that. Bye bro

End of phone call

"I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i OHMYGOD!!!!" I scream


"But nash said he was coming..."
Colby says

"Yeah I know. But every show he has a new special guest from Magcon and he keeps the old ones and keeps adding on. He has them and he will bring another I just have no clue which one is next!" I yell happily

"Oh, the next two are Shawn and Mahogany. He doesn't have enough shows to go one by one anymore so he is going two by two. " Devin says


This is the best summer yet.

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