show time mishaps

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Emelys POV;

Today is out last show in New Jersey. I'm nervous... More than last time. I have really budied up with mahogany and Shawn... But me and Sam got really close. I think were dating now....I think? Wow....... I don't even k ow if I'm dating him. Well isn't that great?

"Hey babe, we gotta get ready for the show. Its in an hour, I can't wait to see the how the croud reacts to you and me, rather then you and Colby." Sam says kissing my cheek, smiling at me then walking away.

"Okay... Hey mahogany can you come help me with me make up and cloths?" I ask lox

"No problem, hun. Let's go." Mahogany says as we walk up yo my room.

"Mahogany, I need to talk to you..." I say sitting in my bed

"Go ahaead, you can tell me anything." She says looking through my closet

"Its about sam and Colby...... I don't know what I want to do. I mean I love Colby, I rally do. And sam is one if my best friends and I love him to.... But not like I love Colby. Yet sam treats me so much better than Colby... But... I just.... I don't k ow what to do." I say looking at her

"Well, I'm not going to chose for you. That's up to you but I will say what I think. I think that if you love colby the way you do, then tell him. Tell them both how you feel, but if your going back to Colby. Tell him who's boss, stand your ground. Don't be that one girl who let's your man push you around. You gotta push back. Okay? And if that isn't what you wanna do.... I have something that might work." She says smiling

"Tell me everything." I say happily

Show time

We all walk on stage, haply and Spunked up. All ready to go, but Colby was still a bit glumy...
I start off the show.

"YO YO YO!!! What's up my beautiful people?! Are you ready for this show to get Rocking and ready to party?!" I yell and the crowd cheers

"Yeah! Okay so, Before we start, I have a question for y'all. So recently me and Colby broke up......" I start and the crowd was shocked and all murmured

"Hold up hold up, I still love him. I do.... But recently me and sam are kinda like... A thing. And I mean I love him..... But as a friend.... " I say and the crowd all either yelled 'boo!" Or chanted "emdy emdy emdy!" Which is our like... Ship name

"Woah woah woah! Calm yourselves please haha okay who do y'all think I should be with! When I stand next to the boy you choose cheer and yell and scream and just go wild!!" I yelk and hand the mike to mahogany.

I run around the stage happy and cheery and I then I run and give sam a hug.... There was a few cheers buy not very many. I kiss his cheek and run over to Colby. He wasn't very enthused about anythogn happening so I started tickling him. The crowred blew up, went wild. They basically screamed their lungs out and mahogany cheered

"WOOHIOO!!!! AND COLBYS THE WINER! Sorry sam...." And the croud yelled "WE LOVE YOU SAM!" and made him smile and then... Colby kissed me.... I was shocked. But happy. I kissed back and we continued on with the show.

Wow...... Today was surprisingly a good day. I got my love back, every one is still friends, the fans are happy and its amazing.

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