Well.... Damn.

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I wake up that morning sandwiched between a sleeping Clifford and a cuddly Hemmings. What? I look around and see that they are naked and so am I. I get up trying not to wake them with a pounding head ach and get dressed. I take some aspirin and try to remember what happened, a flood of memory flew into my brain. The partying, the muke, the drinking, us leaving, and the last thing.... Getting into bed with them two.

"Michael. Wake up." I say as I start to shake the bed

"Lucas you too."

"Shhh go to sleep" Michael whines

"Stoooop" Luke replies

"Wake the hell up you naked fucks!" I yell as I shake the bed more

"What?" They both say sitting up

"Fuck!" They say again as they cover up

"What happened!?" Michael asks

"We all got drunk and decided 'hey lets get naked and have a threes some cuz that's always fun!' Ugh!" I say pissed off

"Why are you so mad? I thought you liked us anyway." Luke says

"Because you diPSHIT I CHOSE COLBY!" I yell at him

"Damn....." Michael says

"Don't say a fucking thing about this because if you do I swar to god I will murder both of you and tell the world your dirty little secret." I threaten them

"Damn calm down a bit em. No one is going to tell, don't get your panties in a twist." Michael says.

"Im not you douce bag, but that's probably because one of you two broke them!" I yell as I throw the broken underwear away.

"Sorry...." Luke says

"I'm leaving," I say as I walk out of the door only to see Nash staying right there.

"Have fun?" He asks in a mocking tone.

"Shut up and I'll let you keep your dick." I say threatening,

"Okay, okay, jeez." He laughs

"Don't mention this to anyone." I say as we get into the elevator and head down to mahoganys room.

"Looxxxiiieeee! I need help!" I whine as I walk into her room

"What is it bb?" She asks

"Nash, Shawn, Aaron, leave." I say pointing to the door and they all leave

"Lox.... I fucked liek and Michael when I was drunk... At the same time... And I chose Colby. WhAt Do I dO!?" I whine

"Okay, well um....."

She explains to me what I'm going to do. I'm going to tell Colby, but tell him also how much I regret it. Then I'm going to explain it all, no tell him that I choose him.

*two hours later*

"Colby, we need to talk...." I say as I pull Colby aside.

"Okay, what is it?" He asks

I explain it all.

"Oh...." He says in disappointment.

"I'm sorry Colby, I was drunk and upset and confused.... I didn't mean to hurt you, I love you, and I chose you. And if it makes it any better, Luke and Michael are seinf eachother. Like, muke is real. They kiss and everything. MuKe iS FucKiNg ReAL!" I explain

"Okay haha stop Fangirling, shut up, and kiss me. Because I've missed your lips" he says as he leans in and kisses me.

I'm glad he's so unspderstanding. And I'm also glad that mUkE iS ReAl MuKE iS FucKIng ReAL!!! Hehehe

Hey guys sorry for the late update!! I lost my pass owed and ugh, I'm so sorry. I love you all!

Stay beautiful!- Cliffords_Tiger

The Viner dork |Colby Brock|-Book 1-Where stories live. Discover now