The shock of a life time

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//Warning!\\ //This chapter will be farly short because I'm working on a longer one for the next chapter, this is just to keep you guys updated and I'm sry but yeah.....\\

The next day mahogany, Taylor, Shawn, Matt, Nash and all them were leaving to go to Florida where they would meet up with Aaron and carter.

"Hey Em.... Are we um... Ate we good? Or..." Colby asks

"Yeah same for us...?" Sam adds on

"Yes sam your still one of my best friends. I just don't feel that certain way about you...." I say

"And colby. Yes we are good. But you pull and of the shit you did last time I will literally rip of you dick and force feed it to you then leave and you will never see me again. kay?" I say and he nods his head looking scared

"Good. Now um.... Mahogany uoi can't leave without giving me a hug!" I yell running to the living room

"I'm not going to! And yes were leaving but....." She starts

"Will you, Devin, sam and colby please join us on the tour?!" She says excitedly

"Um HELLZ YEAH!" I scream happily

"I'd love too!" Devin smiles

"Fuck yeah!" Sam and colby yell happily and we all hug.

Wow, so much has happened in the last 3 hours of me being awake hahaha this is amazing!

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