frak outs and fangirl moments

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We all got off the plain and headed to the hotel. 5sos stayed in the same hotel as us and we all got our rooms, 5sos in B-236, me, aaron, Mahogany and nash in room B-235, and the rest in rooms B-339 and B-40.

From: Calum
To: Emely
Cal: hey hey

Me: hi hi

Cal: meet me downstairs?

Me: Yyy???

Cal: plzzz

Me: Yyy?

Cal: plEASE

Me: tell mE WHy

Cal: cuz

Me: -_- no

Cal: pwease

Me: don't go all baby talk on me


Me: fine fine! Ugh, u and ur danm baby talk.

Cal: yayayayayay!!!

I walk downstairs and I see Calum standing their in a you complete me ss shirt and I laugh

"Hey cloths theif" I say laughing

"What?" He asks

"Let's see here, Luke's shirt, Mikey's half black half white stripe pants, Ashton's black beanie, and are those luke's teenage mutant ninja turtle boxers I see??" I say laughing and pointing to each one

"Maybe... But is that mahogany's cat ears I see!" He says sassily pointing to my cat ear head band

"Haha nope, I bought this two years ago. But nice try." I say laughing

"Damnit.." He says smiling

"Hey don't swear!" I here coming from the second floor balcony in the lobby

"Shut up Ashton!" Cal yells back

"No!'' He yells back yo Calum

"Go away ash!" Calum laughs

"Make me!" Ashton laughs at him

"I will burn your beanie!" He yells

"That's not mine so h-" ash stats

"Yes it is." I correct him

"What? No its not." He argues

"Wanna bet. You bought that in Seattle on the 23rd of July st your rock out with your sicks out tour date. You bought it at a gift shop before you got on the space needle." I say smiling

"Um.... And you know what how?" He asks

"I have my ways." I say laughing

"Kay..." He says confused and walking away

"Bye ash!" I say turning around to see Calum giving me a 'WTF?!' Kinda look

"Really?" He asks

"Really." I say

"Awwh! Rely can be your always!" Mikey laughs walking towards us

"Michaelll" Calum whiles

"What? I thought girls like shit like that." Mikey laughs

"We do, its cute." I say smiling

"Yeah well so are you." He says winking at me

"Oh uh I um you just I uh i mean um I oh ok um uh I you I um" I studder

"Nice going Michael, you broke her!" Calum laughs

"I'm sorry! I didn't know cheesy flirting and a bad with k could break a chick!" Mikey yells

"C'mon let's go before he breaks you more." Calum laughs

"I you he um ok you I im just I uh oh ok you we leave he wink cute I oh um I you he just I..." I say and I get cut off by lips on mine

"Now, will you speak English?" Calum asks pulling away

"I, you, kissed, me, but, I, oh, my,you, holy, fuck, ohmygod" I say falling over blacking out


Calums POV

"Who broke her now." Mikey asks

"Shut up Michael. All I did was kiss her!" I laugh

"Dude, she's a maga fan. You don't just randomly kiss a mega fan especially when she's in the middle of a mags FanGirl moment." Michael says laughing

"What do you just understand FanGirl?" I ask confused

"Yes, I do. Its not that hard to understand if you try." Michael says smiling

"What ever just pres the elevator button for me please." I say throwing Emely over my sholder

"Ok ok" he says laughing

We go up stairs and I lay her down on mine and likes bed, she looks so cute when she's asleep.

"Hey calum i-" luke starts

"SHHHH!" I shush him

"Why?" He asks

"She's sleeping you dipshit" I say pointing

"Why is she sleeping in here?" He asks

"Michael semi- broke her by sinking and flirting and when she was breaking and having a broke FanGirl moment I kissed her not knowing that when you make a broken FanGirl break again she will pas out. So now she is here. Passed out." I whisper

"Hahaha you are so stupid." Luke laughs

"Zip it blondey." I say laughing

"Your band sucks." He laughing

"I know, its cause your in it." I say laughing

"Whore." He says to me

"Slut." I say back

"Skank." He replys

"Cunt." I say smiling

"Brealin." He laughs back

"Hurtful!" I sarcastically gasp

"I know bitch! That's why I said it!" He laughs

"Stop being a bunch of while breslins and tell me what the hell I'm doing here." Emely says in the background

"Hey em! Michael half broke you and we kissed and that fully broke you." I say laughing

Emelys POV

"So you just brought me here after I passd out?" I ask

"Yup." He simply replys

"Oh, ok?" I says till a bit unsure.

He.... Kissed me?

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