Chapter Thirty: The Unexpected Passenger.

Start from the beginning

"You know what I mean. But I know it's more than that now, isn't it? No one does what he did for someone they don't... care about" he states with a serious look of contemplation in his face. "The lengths he went to make sure I'd be with you at the funeral..."

He seems to be under the impression that I know exactly what he is talking about but with a frown of my brows he quickly realizes that I am, indeed, clueless. Something in his demeanor changes, almost as if he is scolding himself for oversharing, and I just keep staring at him, pressing him to continue.

"What are you talking about, dad?"

"He called me to let me know about Rose..." he begins and makes a dramatic pause. But I already guessed as much. I mean, there was also the chance of Ally being the one who made the call, but I was pretty sure it was him. With a swift gesture of my hand, I urge him to keep talking. "And when I couldn't get a flight, he called in some favors with the people at the studio and I was in a private plane within the hour"

"I... I didn't know that" I literally stutter under my breath. I am too taken aback by this information; I don't even know how to respond to it.

"Look, whatever it is that's going on right now with the two of you, I don't really know and I don't think that I need to" He leans closer to me, talking in a soft tone only the two of us are able to hear. "But you have been through a lot lately and I believe some distance will help you put things in perspective and, hopefully, figure them out"

I know he's absolutely right. Perspective is definitely the one thing that I need the most right now; to put some good distance between us so I can actually take a time to be alone with myself and listen to what I have to say. Ask me all this questions that only I can provide the answers to.

"Yeah, I know"

The next twenty minutes go by with my dad and I simply enjoying our food in a comfortable, soothing silence. By the time his flight is announced all over the speakers, we are already by the gate, saying our goodbyes.

"This is getting old" he laughs dolefully as we hold on to each other in a hug. "We were in the exact same situation three weeks ago"

I feel a deep sigh resonate in his chest before the air he lets out from his mouth breaks through my hair and warms up my forehead. A single tear manages to escape my eye and rolls over the side of my nose, but I quickly sniff it in before he gets the chance to see it. Three weeks seem like a fucking eternity when I look back and think about all the things that happened to me between that goodbye and the one we are taking a part at this very minute.

"Yeah... really old" I avouch when he decides, for the first time in our father-and-daughter history, to be the one breaking the embrace. "Will I see you in New York, though?"

"I don't think so" he says with a disappointed expression, both in his voice and in his face. "But you know where to find me if you need to talk. And kiddo..." When he is about to walk through the gate, he turns around towards me, handing his bagpack to the security officer and giving me one of those bright smiles of his, that I hadn't seen once during his entire visit, "... It is supposed to be a mess. That can only mean that you're in the right track"

Just like I did before, I get the feeling that he knows a little too much about complicated and precipitated relationships.

I simply wink at him and throw an imaginary kiss in his direction for him to catch it, ever so cheesy. Once my kiss is safely stashed inside one of the pockets of his jacket, he turns right back around an into the boarding gate.

This time I don't take the time to roam the premisses, and as soon as I lost total sight of him, I simply go back to my car for the long and lonesome journey back.

Because You're Mine (A Tom Hiddleston Fanfic) #Wattys2016 #pfcc2k16Where stories live. Discover now