Chapter 7: Join?

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    I sloppily parked my bike and sprinted up the stairs of the apartment complex. Tim hadn't answered his phone, making me worry even more. I skid to a stop in front of my door and force it open so fast and with so much pressure that I think I heard wood split a little. "Tim! Damian!" I call. I hear a crash coming from the guest room as Tim and Damian come rolling down the hall. When they hit the back of my couch Damian's on top, choking Tim. "What's going on?!" I shout. "He cheated!" Damian cried. Tim pushes Damian up and over the couch. "It's not my fault I can remember the cheat codes!" Tim said, pointing to the TV. I look to see Call Of Duty Black Ops on the screen. My eyebrow twitched. I could feel my urge to rip the two boys apart growing. I clenched my hands into fists so hard that I left half moon nail imprints on my palms, and possibly drew blood.

"You're telling me," I stalked over to the boys. "that you took me away from a great date," I grabbed their collars and split them apart. "with a great guy who didn't just like me for my bra size," I sent both flying back down the hall. "FOR YOUR STUPID VIDEO GAME?!" I scream. Both boys had landed on my bed so their landings had been soft, but they weren't safe, not by a long shot. "You boys are in for a world of pain unless you can find a way to save yourselves." I hissed, storming towards them. Tim opens his mouth to say something but I grab him in a headlock. "Run, Damian!" He chokes out. Damian starts to move but I catch him too. I sigh. "I think it's time for the duck tape." I say, walking back to the front room. "I'm so glad you kept the couch pulled out, that makes this so much easier." I say placing them down and taking out the duck tape from the side table.

After about half an hour of taping, I finally get them both down. "You know, this always makes me feel better. Seeing you to bonding like this. You look like unhatched butterflies." I tease as I stretch. "Now for the nagging rant about how you two should have stayed calm." I look at Damian. "First, Damian, most of the blame for you current predicament falls to you. I know I let you let loose a little here, that's why you have so many stuffed animals," I muttered the last part. "But that does not mean you can act like you're three. You were taught better than that." I then turned to Tim. "And you mister, you are almost seventeen years old. Have some better manners. I told you no cheat codes when you play with Damian. You know he hates it." I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. "I swear, both of you are so infuriating sometimes." I stand and move towards the kitchen. "I love you both, but sometime the thought of killing you crosses my mind, I will not lie." I say, filling a pot with water, then setting it down on the front burner on high. Then there was a knock on the door.

I open it with the chain lock still in place. "Hello?" I ask, but no one's there. I roll my eyes and fully open the door. Looking down, there sat a slightly smaller than medium sized box. Taking it inside quickly I sit at the bar to open it. "What's that?" Damian asks from the couch. I open it and laugh. Inside was the red dress, shoes, and jewelry mom had gotten me for my birthday at Star Labs. Also there was a picture frame with a picture of dad, mom, and I when we went to the aquarium. On the back was a post it that said, 'Thought you'd want these ~Jason' I smiled. "What's in the box?" Damian calls again. "Just memories from a friend, nothing really important." I say, going back to the pot in the kitchen. Pouring noodles into the pot I slowly stir. After a while I strain the pasta and separated into two bowls.

"No! You didn't!" Tim cries. I smirk. "Sorry boys, but you should know by now that if you act poorly you get bland, mushy Orzo noodles. It builds the knowledge that you could get knocked off your little pedestals at anytime." I say, shoving a spoon full in both their mouths. "Now eat fast. Because of you little stunt I get to go out for the recognisance mission I was going to do tomorrow but am doing now while you're stuck thinking about how stupid fighting is." They nodded silently and continued to eat the mush, soon turning it into a race, Tim won by a spoon full. "Good, have fun." I said quickly changing and racing to the roof.

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