My father looked to Alice and they exchanged a long glance.

"She's right Edward, I've seen it and this alternative will close the case faster. We will get a little attention but other than that it will blow over." Alice said.

"But then we will have to move." My mother added.

"We were going to move anyways." Alice replied before tapping her temple. "Trust me, she is right."

I rose to my feet and crossed the room to sit with Jamie and Tyler. Immediately he began inserting IV's into both my arms.

"We will only need one liter from you Renesmee." Alice said, you need to look as if you were attacked but got away.

"Have you seen anything yet Alice? How are we going to set up the scene?" My father asked.

Alice moved to the table where a paper and pen sat and began sketching away. While she was drawing I watched my blood exit while other blood entered.

"Through here," I heard Nicholi's voice speak.

I looked up and saw him enter with his mother and father behind him. He then nodded to Jamie and Tyler.

Anne walked right over to where Jamie sat and took a seat beside her. Charles did the same with Tyler.

"Hello, you must be Jamie. My name is Annabelle Cromwell and this is my husband Charles Cromwell."

Jamie turned her head to look at Anne and then looked at the floor. "Yeah, I'm Jamie."

"I know you are nervous about all of this but things will get better." She said to her. "It will be hard at first letting your family go but overtime it will be easier. We all went through it at some point in our lives." she said gesturing around the room to my family.

"Except Renesmee." She whispered before looking up at me. "She has her family, all of her family. I've never had mine because I wasn't wanted."

My eyes widened slightly. "But you have your family."

"They aren't my real family, I was adopted when I was born."

"Why?" I asked her.

"My adopted parents said my mother was only thirteen and couldn't take care of me. She gave me up." a tear fell from her eyes and Anne wrapped her arm around her and pulled her into her arm.

"There, there honey, shhh." Anne crooned soothingly into her ear.

"Okay, that should be it for the day." Carlisle said as he began removing the IV's which had done their jobs. He carefully bandaged her and then did the same to Tyler. "A few more minutes for you Renesmee." He added as he was disposing of the used IV's.

I nodded my head.

"Jamie, it's time to make the phone call to your mother." My father said.

Jamie's eyes widened and she began crying again. "No, I can't." She gasped.

"Jamie you need to." She rose to her feet and shook her head before quickly exiting the room.

"I'll go talk to her." Anne said as she rose to her feet and followed.

My father sighed.

"I'll do it." My mother said as she took out her cell phone and dialed a number. She pressed her fingers to her lips to signal everyone quiet. "Hello, Grace?" There was a pause. "Yes I was calling to let you aware of the recent accident." I heard a panicked woman's voice but I couldn't make out the words. "She is alright, sleeping at the moment." Another pause. "We were at the beach and Jamie was wading in the water and was pulled under. Tyler went in after her and retrieved her." There was a long pause. "When he pulled her out she was not breathing on her own so my husband did cpr and revived her. She also lost a lot of blood from the wounds she suffered from the waves throwing her into a reef but other than that she is fine."

They talked for a few more minutes. My mother reassured her that her daughter was expected to make a full recovery and then let her know we would return in four days time. Once that was done she hung up.

"Stage one, complete." My mother said to herself as she pocketed the phone back in her pocket.

Just as my mother sat back down beside my father Anne and Jamie returned.

"Jamie." I called to her. She looked up at me, her face stained with the trails of her constant tears. "I never wanted this to happen to you."

She silently nodded her head and then looked away.

It was true, I never wanted any of this to happen to her or Tyler.

"So where is the next homestead of your family?" Charles asked.

I looked up at my father. "We think central Alaska maybe, it's due to be winter so the day time light will be cut short."

"Our home in Alaska was destroyed dad."

"In Denali, yes but not North Pole. We have several houses in Washington and Alaska."

"North Pole?" Anne spoke. "We have a dwelling there, maybe we will join you to be closer to Nic."

"Mom, you can't bring Jamie and Tyler near humans too soon, they need to be secluded first."

"There is always Canada, we have a homestead in the Yukon Territory, that is just near the Alaska border." Charles added.

"That's better." Nicholi replied with a grin.

"So what do we do now?" I asked.

My father looked up at me. "Now, we just wait."

New Rise - Book 4Where stories live. Discover now