"My mother can read me like the back of her hand. I can't-" Jamie began, her eyes wide and voice panicked.

"-You don't have a choice."

Jamie rose to her feet and began pacing back and forth. "She will know something is wrong, she will ask me what is up with me."

"Make the incident an excuse, lie, exaggerate it." Alice cut in. "You will be tired, pale and sick a lot from the transfusion procedures so just say you are still feeling sick from the incident. Say when the incident happened you were pulled under and drowned."

"My mother will freak out, anyways it won't work I can't swim I don't go near water if I can't see the bottom."

"Tell her that you wanted to wade in the shallow end and was pulled under." Tyler said. "I'll tell her that I did cpr on you when you weren't breathing."

"Where is Renesmee supposed to be in all of this, and her parents?" Jamie questioned.

"I will say that I was sick and my parents stayed with me to watch a movie and you two went for a swim." I said quickly.

"Okay, well when can I go home?" Jamie said, I just want to see my parents.

"First we need to take the blood, then you have to call your parents. Tell them you will be home in the next couple days and then in the next couple days you can leave, we will drop you off." My mother said.

"As well you will be needed to come over at least once every two weeks to have your blood drawn." My father looked to Tyler. "And you too Tyler, we need your blood as well."

"Why? I have no family."

"You have living relatives, you need to be dead to the world as well." I said to him. My heart dropped as I spoke those words to my friend.

He nodded his head silently and looked away.

In the next ten minutes Carlisle had entered the room, he was wearing light grey slacks, a white shirt and a blue button down. In his arm was what looked like a black doctors bag. Around his neck was his stethoscope and hanging over his shoulder was a blood pressure cuff.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Carlisle Cullen and I will be doing the blood transfusion procedure with you and Tyler." He said as he set down his bag and knelt before Jamie.

"Hi, I'm Jamie." She responded shyly.

"Did they explain the steps in the procedure to you?" She nodded her head. "Well I will go over it again as I starting it all." he pulled the blood pressure cuff and wrapped it around Jamie's arm before slipping the stethoscope into place. Then he began squeezing the ball to pump it up. "Blood pressure is normal." He winked at Jamie and then took her wrist between his thumb, index and middle finger. "Pulse it normal."

He sighed and then turned to his bag which he then removed a few sterile packages, a bag of blood that read O negative and a couple purple rubber bands.

Very gently he cleansed the area at the bend of both her arms and then carefully inserted an IV's. The right IV gave her blood while the left IV took it.

After Carlisle finished setting her up he moved to Tyler.

Then it was the waiting game.

"Mom, what about me." I said. "Why can't I be part of this, I want to help."

"Renesmee, it will draw attention to the family." My father said.

"But if a survivor was able to give insight to what happened the case would close faster." I responded.

New Rise - Book 4Where stories live. Discover now