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Hey my Nekos! 2k views.....wow. I actually can't believe that this story has over 2k views. I never thought that this would happen when I started this fan fiction. I've only had this fan fiction out for about 3 months and already there are so many of you who have decided to take your time to read it. In school I write this fan fiction in a notebook. People rip it up and when they read it they don't take it seriously as a piece of writing. So when I come on here and see people who take my writing seriously, it makes me smile.

I'm so happy when I see that someone has read, voted or commented on my fan fictions. It's nice to hear your thoughts on my writing and what was good. I want to thank all of the people on here and on fanfiction.net.

Names that I have seen that have voted, commented or added this fan fiction to a playlist are


And there are a lot more.

Now here's the good part. Last time when I got 100 Votes I said the first person to comment gets a bleach x reader one-shot of there choice. Well I'm doing it again!

First person to comment gets a bleach x reader one-shot of there choice! :)

Anyway, thanks again to all of you.

Until next time my Nekos bye- Jude xoxox

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