Chapter 20. A misunderstanding

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Damn! Chapter 20 already! Thanks for all the support through these past 20 chapters! It's so amazing, you don't even no. Anyway enjoy this chapter as we are gonna find out something about our little ichigo! Fufufufu~

Naomis pov

Straight after you had gotten out of class on that Friday, you had rushed home, got changed and packed some clothes and other things into your backpack. You then jumped through to karakura.

You had spoken with Urahara and he was gonna allow you to stay at his shop for the night.

After that night you got dressed, thanked Urahara and ran to Ichigos house. You, ichigo and renji were gonna hang out today in your world. You knocked on Ichigos door and karin answered.
Remember, pretend you don't no them. You thought to yourself.

"Oh hello, I'm Ichigos friend. Where supposed to be hanging out today. Is he in?" You ask politely.

"Oh hi, I'm karin, his sister. That yuzu back there and yes he is in. Come on in." She said, allowing you in. "Oh right. Ichigo did mention having two twin sister's. It's nice to meet you." You say, extending your hand out to shake hers. She shakes your hand but suddenly you see a blur of white and black and then you see isshin kurosaki in front of you, a grin on his face.

Omg that grin! You think as he starts to speak. "Well hello young lady! How are you today?" He shakes your hand frantically. You smile and say "you must be Ichigos dad. It's nice to meet you Mr.kurosaki." He smiles and says " so your Ichigos friend, well go on up to his room. It has a 15 on the front, you can't miss it."

After that you walk up the stairs and into Ichigos room. Typical, I plan to hang out with him and he is still asleep. What a lazy boy.

"Well Naomi I agree with you on that, but he is moaning something in his sleep." Mikadzuki No Neko says in your mind. You listen closer and realize that he is moaning something in his sleep while hugging his pillow close to him. You step closer to him so you can hear what he is saying.

"Grimmy....grimmjow.....I love you...." You are shocked by his word but it soon turns to a grin.

"Fufufufu~" you new his little secret now. You grabbed your phone and put on In the End by Black veil brides. You place it right next to his ear and click play. Once the music started, ichigo shot up.

His face was priceless! You started laughing while he just looked at you with confusion.

"Naomi what are you doing here?" He asks. You stop laughing and give him an 'Are you Kidding me' look. "Oh right yeah! You me and renji are hanging out in your world!" He says, getting up. "So....what were you dreaming about ich-i-go!" You say in a sing song voice. He goes red and looks away.

"N-nothing." He mutters.

"Oh so grimmy was nothing then." You say, a smirk painted on your face. His eyes widen and his face went red. "Wha- how?" He asked, embarrassment in his voice. "You were sleep talking strawberry. Who new the strawberry liked the kitty." You laugh at his embarrassed but also angry face. "So you fight him and then get a crush on him. This is brilliant! Grimmichi is real!" Ichigo blushes even more and says " can you go wait in the living room while I get changed." You nod and walk out, smiling to yourself.

"Queen, why are you so happy?" My inner hollow asks. Well , I'm happy because one. I just thought of a name for you and 2. I just found out that my ship is real! You mentally replied back.
"A name... for me, really?" She asked, surprise in her voice.

Yep from now on your gonna be called Tsuki, meaning Moon.

"Tsuki... I like it." You smile at your hollows reply.

{Time skip}

You walk out of the arcade, smiling along with ichigo and renji. After Ichigo had gotten changed, you and him went over to Uraharas were Renji had just arrived at. You all went to your world and played at the arcade. You had beaten the other two in a dance game and a shooting game.

"So Naomi... I heard that your friends have powers like Orihime and Chad." Renji said to you as you walked through the park. "Yeah, I've been training them ever since and they've gotten good." You replied to him. It was so nice, you were walking through the park with your friend and the boy you love. This day was perfect, or so you thought.

Renjis pov

This is one of the bestest days of my life! I think I have enough courage to tell Naomi I love her! What do you think Zabimaru? I ask my zanpakuto. "Yeah! Are you dumb! Confess you idiot!" Zabimaru replied.

I was about to answer back when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I had walked away from ichigo and Naomi for a while so i could think and thought that this person must be Ichigo or Naomi.

But when I turned my head I saw one of the girls from Naomis class, Dani I think.

"I didn't no you were back in town renji." She said, trying to sound cute. I sigh. This girl has tried to flirt with me before. I don't like her one bit. She sits down next to me and I shuffle away as far as I could. "Yeah, me and ichigo came back to hang out with Naomi." I say in a 'Please just leave me alone' voice.

"Renji can I tell you something?" She asks, grinning. I nod and before i no if she pushes herself on me. She's kissing me! SHES KISSING ME!?!? I push her off, anger in my eyes and is about to shout at her, telling her how I don't like her but then saw Naomi. Her eyes were full of sadness and on the verge of tears. Tears finally fell and she turned around and started to run.

"NAOMI WAIT! ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" I shout after her but she keeps running. I turn to Dani and she had a grin stretching from ear to ear. I growl before saying " I hope the hollows eat your soul " and go to find Ichigo and Naomi.

Naomis pov

Tears spilled from your purple eyes as you used the bracelet kisuke had made to open up a portal to the soul society. You ran to were Rukia and Orihime were training. Once they saw your tears they were at your side. "Naomi, what happened?" Orihime asks. "R-Renji.... I saw him k-kiss-ing d-dani." It hurt to say.

"Dani? That girl from your class?" Rukia said. "Yeah and the girl who is responsible for these." You show them your scars and cuts. You felt it was time that they new.

"SHE IS THE REASON WHY YOU CUT YOURSELF!?" Rukia screamed in anger. "Wait. You NEW about my CUTS? When? How?" You wonder how long they have known. "We have known since the day you got your powers--" orihime stopped her words. We all felt Arrancars spiritual pressure in the world of the living. "Rukia!" Captain ukitake shouted from on top of a rock. Rukia nodded at him.

"Naomi, you and orihime can't go through the senkaimon, you don't have a hell butterfly. Go through the other gate."

{Time skip}

You and orihime walked through to karakura town, two guards accompanying you. You were still in your body and had a Minecraft creeper t-shirt on and some jeans along with your backpack. Orihime was still comforting you as you were still crying a little. Your heart was broken.

Why....why did renji have to kiss her? Why Dani? Why.... You thought in your mind. Mikadzuki No Neko and even your hollow, Tsuki, had tried to cheer you up as they said it was raining blood in your inner world. They new something was up when it started raining blood.

Suddenly the 2 guards that were escorting you collapsed. You turned around and your eyes widened at what you saw.

Grimmjow and Ulquiorra.

DUN DUN DUUUUNNN! Hehe. Anyway there was chapter 20. It was pretty long. We found out that ichigo loves GRIMMJOW! Gotta have some yaoi in here. XD We also got to find out what Naomi named her hollow. Tsuki (Tsuki means moon.) Anyway hope you enjoyed!

Until next time Bye-Jude xoxox

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