Chapter 19. New found power

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Hey guys! Here's a new chapter of Bleach in our world! I hope you enjoy this chapter and please comment your opinions and thoughts.
Anyway enjoy the chapter!

Alice's pov

We tease Naomi a little more about her crush on Renji before getting ready for school. While walking to school, Naomi talks to us about what to do if a hollow attacks us and she isn't there. I'm still in a little bit of shock from finding out about all these different worlds, spirits and hollows.

It doesn't scare me, it just makes me worry about my friends and there safety. " So if a hollow attacks you, run. Run like a weeping angle is after you. Call me, find me anything! Just.... find me so I can kill it." We could hear the worry in Naomis voice. "Ok Naomi" we all say in unison.

All of a sudden we hear a very familiar voice "Naomi!" We all turned around and saw Rukia, Orihime, uryu, ichigo and a massive tall dude. "Rukia!" Naomi shouts, waving her arms like crazy. We all run over to them. "I guess Renji told you about my friends then." Naomi said. Rukia nodded and turned he head to face us.

"You know who we are now, I hope it doesn't scare you."

"No it doesn't scare us." I reply back.

{Time skip}

It was after school now and we were just waiting in the yard for Naomi as she had to go and deal with some hollows along side ichigo and Rukia. "Guys were did orihime, uryu and Chad go?" Amy asks me and Izzy. "I think uryu said he left something in class and orihime said she wanted to go and explore."

Suddenly a scream ripped through the air. We turned and saw 3 hollows standing before us.

"Oh GOD!" We scream as one of them goes to grab us. I close my eyes, not wanting to see what happens next.

When I felt no pain, I opened my eyes and saw a big red light had engulfed us. Once it cleared I was surprised to find all of us with weapons!

On my hand were some sort of ice blue armoured gloves with big blue knives attached! What the hell? Amy had what seemed to be a blood red violin and the bow for it too. This violin had spikes and a blade on the top that looked sharp. The bows edges also looked sharp.

Izzy had some green headphones resting on her head and had some sort of speakers covering her arms. "Guys.... remember when orihime talked about how her and Chad were humans with powers. Well I think we are the same." Izzy said before turning to face the hollows in front of us. We all stood back to back, a hollow each in front of us.

"Let's test out new powers." She smirked but I could tell she was worried.

Izzy pov

Im scared, but if we can control this power then we can defeat these monsters. I hear a whisper in my mind, like someone is telling me something. It tells me the name of my ability.I charge at the hollow in front of me with new found confidence, holding my arms in a X shape in front of me.

I shout " Okina oto!"


2 big waves of green energy hit the hollow, killing it. I smiled as the hollow disappeared into the air.

It was Amy's turn next to kill the hollow in front of her. "Reddodebiru!" She shouts while pointing her violin at the hollow. Red bolts come from the tips of the spikes and hit the hollow, pining it down. She then runs up to it and stabs its head with the violins bow, killing it.

There was one hollow left and Alice was up. She held her left arm up, lining it up with the hollow.

"Kaze no naifu" she says. The knives on her left hand shot off towards the hollow. Instead of impailing it, they all started to circle the beast and started a tornado. The hollow died but one of the Windows on the school smashed during the attack, coursing the glass to cut my back.

"Ahhh!" I hissed out in pain as the glass dug deep into my skin. Alice ran over to me and shouts

"Hīringunaifu!" All the blades on her right hand fly off and circle me. Then a blue light appeared around me and all the shards of glass came out of my back and my wounds healed.

"Sorry that I got you hurt Izzy." She said while helping me up. "No.....problem." my words trailed off as I saw Naomi, Rukia and ichigo looking at us with wide eyes while Orihime, uryu and Chad just grin.

"O-o-omg! Guys what was that!" Naomi stuttered. "We saw all of it from the class window. There like us, there humans with powers." Chad explains. Naomis shocked expression turns to a large smile.

"MY FRIENDS ARE AWESOME!" She pulls us into a group hug and we all laugh, unaware of the eyes watching.

Dani's pov

"What was THAT! First that pig Naomi is fighting them monsters with ichigo and that shrimp Rukia and now her dumb friends are fighting them too!" I say while watching the group from the school roof.

"I'm going to find out what you are Naomi Neko. Then I will have Renji all to myself!"

Thanks for reading this chapter! I used Google translate to translate all the things, here's what they mean.

Okina oto: loud sound

Reddodebiru: Red devil

Kaze no naifu: Wind knife

Hīringunaifu: Healing knife

Also props to TimberRidge from fan who in one of my earlier chapters commented saying this: "oh and since those 6 girls in the real world could see them in soul reaper form doesn't that mean that they have powers too and if so are you going to talk about it later?"
You got it spot on! Though the 3 bullies will have no powers, Naomis 3 friends do :D

Until next time Bye-Jude xoxox

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