Chapter 26

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"I can't believe this is our last night together," Louis mumbled as him and Harry walked hand in hand through the cheap hotel doors.

"Me neither," Harry sighed in return.

Louis giggled for a second, leaning up and cupping his hand to Harry's ear. He whispered softly so no one could hear.

"Haz," he breathed. "This is our last night to have sex without Li and Niall listening."

Harry choked on his own saliva, hitting Louis' head lightly.

"Louis!" He exclaimed. "You can't say things like that in public."

"No one heard," Louis whined, pushing his body closer to Harry's.

Sighing huffily, Harry dragged Louis up to the mahogany desk. "Room for two, please."

"One bed!" Louis added gleefully.

The receptionist nodded and handed Harry a single room key. Smiling, the two boys happily walked off to the elevator.

Watching the doors slide open, Louis laughed a little. "Remember last time we got out of the elevator?"

"Yeah, when you ran into the old lady," Harry teased.

"How about we try that elevator sex they were talking about," Louis joked.

Harry grinned and pushed the button for their floor. Sure, he was bi, but he'd never, you know, done it with a guy. Louis didn't need to know that yet, though.

Quickly before the doors could close, a rather frazzled girl ran into the elevator, out of breath.

"Hi," she smiled through a wheeze. "Oh," she exclaimed, her mouth suddenly dropping open even wider. "Hi," she repeated.

"Hi, love," Harry said sweetly, leaning towards her.

Shit, Louis thought. That girl is gorgeous, exactly Harry's type. No fucking way.

"Hey, babe," Louis winked, turning towards her as well and deepening his voice earning a quizzical look from Harry.

The elevator doors opened with a ding, and the girl dashed out with a fleeting sorry, leaving the two boys alone in an enclosed space.

"What was that?" Louis exclaimed, glaring at Harry.

"You're asking me?" He retorted. "You looked like a lion about to pounce!"

Louis was outraged. "Like you don't act like that all the fucking time!"

"Not now that you're my boyfriend!" Harry shouted, storming past Louis through the open elevator doors.

Louis ran behind him, attempting to keep up with Harry's long strides and fast gate. "Wait."

"I'm sorry, love," Louis murmured, walking towards Harry and quietly shutting their hotel door behind him. "You know I was just jealous."

"I don't, though!" Harry yelled, still angry. "I didn't even do anything, and neither did she."

Louis' fist connected with the wall, and he angrily wrung his hand out in pain. "You don't fucking get it," he growled, his rage returning.

Harry raised an eyebrow, he was angry, but he couldn't help but find the small boy amusing.

"You could have absolutely anyone in the whole fucking world and for some shit reason you chose me, now I'm in competition with every one of those bloody losers and I'm nothing compared to them!" Louis screamed, tears being brought to his eyes.

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