Chapter 16

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3:00 is blinking on the dashboard and all Louis can think about is how the RedBull has completely worn off.

Harry's asleep beside him, snoring softly causing the window to fog up with every breath he takes.

There's a sign up ahead, the first one in miles, so Louis slows down and squints to read it in the dark.

'RV Park' is all it says, it has an arrow pointing to the next exit and Louis thinks: What the hell? So they're pulling into a deserted RV park at three in the morning to catch up on missed sleep.

Remembering why they're in this situation in the first place, Louis sets an alarm on his phone for eight the next morning. Although, he must say, stressed-out and half-dressed Harry is pretty hot.

The park is pretty much empty, all except for the cowboy party in the far corner, and who knows what they're doing.

Louis walked around the car to open the door for Harry, this time it was unlocked and the boy was still soundly sleeping, much to his relief. With a lot of groans from the smaller boy, he managed to pull Harry up and out of the car, seating him on the ground, leaning him against the front car tire. It didn't look comfortable, but it was the best Louis could do for now.

The country music from the other side of the park was suddenly turned up, jolting Harry into reality. He cracked his neck and stretched his arms above his head, wincing when he smashed his fingers against the rear view mirror.

Jumping at the sound, Louis saw the boy awake and alert, and slightly in pain.

"Harry," he giggled at the boy who's returned to a sleepy, dazed state. "What are you doing up?" He asked.

"Music," he whined, pointing towards the party.

"Awe, baby," Louis cooed, returning to Harry's side and hooking his arms under the larger boys armpits, pulling him up to his height. "Would a kiss make it better?"

"Yes," Harry pouted, puckering his lips pathetically, and making the older boy feel faint at how adorable this person was.

"A kiss where?" Louis teased, awakening Harry a little more. Enough for him to be cheeky.

"I think you know where," he grinned, winking and causing Louis to blush as he was now towering over him.

"I-uh," Louis stuttered. "We need a blanket to sit on. There's on in the trunk, I'll go get it!" He said, detaching himself from Harry.

Louis took a deep breath, popping the trunk. You can do this, he thought to himself, pulling out the blanket. Resist the urge to kiss him.

Resist, Harry thought as he watched Louis struggle to pull the heavy blanket out of the trunk. He's your friend, you can't think these things. Resist these feelings.

"Here," Louis grunted, passing the blanket off to Harry to spread out for them.

He stared at his feet as Harry unfolded the blanket. His feet and nothing else. Definitely not the ridges of Harry's spine poking through the sweater he had borrowed, or the way he could just see Harry's biceps bulging. Not the way his thighs strained as he squatted down to straighten it or the lovely curve of his not-so-flat bum.

Harry could feel Louis' eyes on him as he set out their blanket, and he couldn't help putting on a little bit of a show. Maybe he stuck his bum out a little farther and wiggled his hips the way Louis liked.

He wasn't sure what he felt for Louis, but whatever it was was stronger than it had been before they left. Strong enough for a plan to start taking place in his head.

"Thanks, Haz," Louis mumbled, sitting down beside the other boy and leaning into the hollow of his neck as a warm arm was wrapped around his trembling shoulders.

"My pleasure," Harry whispered, his hot breath fanning over Louis, making him squirm uncomfortably. "You look cold, love."

Louis pulled out of Harry's embrace quickly, blushing so much that his face felt like it was on fire.

"Let's go to sleep," Louis said, tugging on Harry's arm as he laid back on the blanket. He shivered again, and tried to hide it from Harry.

"I can warm you up," Harry winked, leaning towards the small boy.

Harry laughed when he heard Louis' breath hitch.

Carefully, he placed one hand on either side of his head, watching closely as Louis' blue eyes widened and small puffs of air visibly escaped from his bubblegum pink lips.

And Harry wanted to kiss those bubblegum lips. More than anything he did, so he followed his gut, leaning closer until their breaths were mixing in the chilly air.

"Can I?" Harry mumbled, not waiting for an answer before gingerly placing his lips on Louis, pushing gently against them.

Louis tasted like sugar and spice, and Harry was addicted within seconds, but Louis was scared. He was so very scared because he had been waiting for this for years, and now it was happening and it took his breath away. No more clouds in the night sky until he pulled away, flushed and out of breath, and more than a little freaked out.

"Oh my god," Harry whispered, sitting up and tugging a hand through his curls roughly. He hadn't thought it through, he hadn't planned this out and that was stressful.

Louis could see the distress in his eyes, and he knew that no matter how much he wanted to kiss Harry again, the best thing for the both of them right now was sleep.

"Harry, love," he whispered, still laying on the frigid blanket. "It's cold and late and we need to be up in a few hours. Please, just sleep on it."

"Okay," Harry breather, rubbing his eyes. "Okay."


So five hundred people have read this. That's freaking insane. Comment if you want them to get together as much as I do :)

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