Chapter 11

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"Ouch!" Louis cried, hitting his head on the door of the car as he tried to get in.

"Awe, baby," Harry cooed, walking around to Louis' side of the car to place a kiss on his forehead.

Louis blushed and looked up at Harry, sheepishly rubbing his boo boo.

"Not my fault it's dark," he said, attempting to save his dignity.

"Lou, you're not even five foot nine, that was all you and no accident."

"I'm totally five nine!" Louis protested meekly, puffing out his chest and straightening his spine. "You're in denial."

"Just get in the car, boo." Harry said, ruffling the short boy's hair.

He walked around to the other side and climbed in as well, a little more successfully and a whole lot more gracefully than Louis.

Louis whined and rubbed his forehead again, pouting at the pain. And the fact that he totally was five foot nine.

"Awe, baby Lou-Lou needs a hug," Harry said sweetly, grinning so much that his dimples showed. Louis nodded and crossed his arms as Harry reached over and put one arm around the blue eyed boy. It wasn't a hug, but Louis wasn't complaining at his warm touch.

Harry steered them out of the parking lot of the sushi restaurant and returned to the freeway, his arm around Louis the whole time, it was sending shivers up and down Louis' spine and he was praying that Harry couldn't feel them.

"Hey Haz," Louis said, getting his attention. "If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be?"

"Alexander Ludwig, all the way," Harry answered quickly. He'd met him once, the guy was funny but sweet too, and hot damn.

"Who?" Louis asked, unsure of who that was, but knowing that it wasn't him made him flinch a little. Harry turned to look at him.

"Oh," he said, surprised. "You know, Disney's Race to Witch Mountain, the Hunger Games, he was Cato."

"I know who you're talking about," Louis said, remembering the man. He was hot, blonde, fit, attractive.

"Yeah, nice guy," Harry said, turning back to the road and removing his arm from around Louis' shoulders to place his hands at the nine and three positions on the steering wheel like a good little boy.

Double ow, thought Louis. I could look like him, with some work. The fans would like me more if I was in better shape, if I had abs like Liam and Harry. He didn't think, however, that he could get away with dying his hair blonde.

"Lou?" Harry asked, poking his arm.


"I asked you a question," said Harry, bringing Louis back to their highway reality.

"Oh sorry, what's up?" Louis asked, a little hurt and a little uncertain about how he felt about himself.

"I asked you who you would date, if you could date anyone in the world."


"Oh, um, I dunno." Louis answered, trailing off and making Harry raise an eyebrow suspiciously.

"You have your eyes on someone!" He exclaimed out of the blue. Louis didn't know how Harry could do that, tell what he was thinking like he could read his mind.

"Well, yeah, sorta, I guess. I mean-"

"Spit it out! Who's the lucky guy, or girl, I don't know, we never talked about that."

Louis panicked, he couldn't tell Harry it was him, and what if Harry freaked because he was gay?

Something in Harry's heart went off when he thought of Louis with someone. Harry didn't know what it was, but he figured it was an overprotective, best friend sort of thing.

"Uh, Harry?" Louis said timidly, asking for his attention. Harry looked at the boy thoughtfully, letting him know that he was focussed on him, as well as the road, of course. "I, well, I sortoflikeboys."

"Pardon, love? I didn't catch that," Harry smirked, even though he totally had. He just liked to make Louis uncomfortable, to watch him squirm.

"Look, I don't think you're homophobic or anything, or I hope not considering you've banged boys in our apartment. That would be weird, point is: I'm gay." Louis stated loudly and enunciated.

Harry was surprised, not by the fact that Louis was gay, because he knew that already. But by the fact that he was able to say it so strongly, without a hint of hesitance in his voice for once. This confident Louis was nice, a break from the insecure boy who liked to hitch a ride with Louis sometimes.

"I know, dipshit." Harry said, grinning cheekily at Louis.

Louis jaw dropped, he couldn't believe his best friend was such an evil tease.

"Bastard!" He exclaimed, swatting Harry's arm lightly, before he stated to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Harry asked, but Louis couldn't answer, too far gone in his laughter. So Harry started to laugh too, and soon enough they were beside themselves as they drove along the highway with the music turned up loud.


Fun fact, I've met Alexander Ludwig. Fun times (:

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