Chapter 19

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"Louis, your eyes are bluer than the ocean."

Blushing, Louis squeezed Harry's hand and looked away, only to regain his confidence and turn back to Harry.

"Well, your eyes are greener than the forests."

It was Harry's turn to blush now, turning beet red and focussing back on the road.

He mumbled something, so soft that Louis couldn't hear it and had to ask him to repeat himself. "You're such a sap," Harry said after clearing his throat.

Louis grinned from ear to ear, so wide that he got crinkles by his eyes that Harry didn't want to stop looking at. He also didn't want to get in a car crash, so he looked away from Louis again, causing him to laugh a little.

"Yes," he said. "But I'm your sap."

Harry was smiling too now, caressing Louis' small hands with his calloused thumb. He rubbed up and down gently, trying to convey what he felt for the boy in touch because he didn't have the ability to put it into words.

"Shut up," Harry whined, earning a small kiss on the cheek from Louis.

"You love it," Louis answered, giggling and elated.

Sighing, Harry tried and failed to wipe the smile off of his face. "Maybe," he said. "I'm getting kind of hungry, you?"

Nodding, Louis rubbed Harry's hand back, making a shiver run up Harry's spine.

"Okay, love. I have something to show you."


The two boys had takeout chicken wings from an off-the-highway fast food place, a blanket and two cans of soda.

"What did you want to show me?" Louis asked, following Harry from where they had parked the car to the edge of the hill seemingly swallowed by trees.

"Just follow me," Harry replied, grabbing Louis' hand again and pulling him behind him as he pushed branches to the side to make room for the two boys.

Louis couldn't keep his mouth shut though, he was bursting with questions.

"Where are we going?"

"What are we do-ow!" He yelled as Harry let a branch slap back on his face, in hopes to stop the pestering.

"Why are we carrying our lunch?"

"Is this a date?"

Harry stopped and groaned loudly. Louis had to admit, though, it was kind of hot. "Yes, this is a date. Or it will be if we can ever get where we're going."

Louis humphed at the taller boy, trying to cross his arms, but realizing he couldn't while carrying their blankets. "Well you're the one who stopped," he sassed, deciding on sticking his hip out instead.

Sighing, Harry dropped Louis hand and kept walking. He was frustrated with the boy, but he still was a gentleman and held the branches back for Louis to follow him.

A little hurt, Louis followed silently and obediently, like a lost puppy. His hand was cold without Harry's to hold it, and he chastised himself for being such a burden to Harry.

You're so annoying, Louis told himself. He doesn't want you, he pities you.

Harry was suddenly aware of the absence of Louis' small feet pattering behind his, and sure enough, the boy was stopped a few feet behind him, looking rather upset.

Before Harry could do anything, Louis shook his head and quickly walked to catch up with Harry, a fake smile on his face.

"Love?" Harry asked, bringing a hand up to Louis' cheek. "Are you alright?"

"Yep," Louis grinned pressing a quick peck to Harry's lips and waiting for him to keep moving.

"Alright," Harry answered uncertainly, turning around and continuing up the hill.

"We're here, babe," he said, turning around to look at Louis shyly.

Jaw dropping, Louis surveyed where Harry had brought him, scanning his over the spectacular view. They had made it to the top of the hill after many excruciating minutes of climbing it, but it was worth it. From the bottom of the hill to the top of the world, Louis thought in awe.

Red rocks lay jagged in the clearing below them, sprawling out across the desert like fields that came to rest at the edge of the city, the breathtaking view interrupted only by the highway they had been on briefly before.

All of the negative thoughts flitting through Louis' mind were gone, he was completely enchanted with the view before him, the sight of Harry not taking away from it in the slightest.

"Thank you," he breathed, walking up to the edge beside Harry and putting the blanket down for them to sit on.

Harry looked at Louis, adoration evident in his gaze. "Yeah?" He whispered, sitting down beside the pretty boy on the blanket. "You like it?"

Louis rested his head on Harry's shoulder, still captivated by the blue sky and stunning landscape presented to him. "I really do," Louis whispered softly, liking the way Harry wrapped his arm around him.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Harry asked after a while, taking out their food before it got too cold to eat.

"Incredible," Louis agreed. "But not as beautiful as you."

Harry grinned, nudging Louis' side with his own playfully. "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever set eyes on," he said.

Not quite frowning, Louis smile dropped a little. It wasn't true.

See, this newfound admiration Harry held for him was shallow, it didn't run as deep as the love Louis felt for Harry, Louis had felt this way for years, Harry, for merely days. If Louis was the most beautiful boy to Harry now, who had it been before? He wondered.

Louis crumpled up his garbage and took Harry's as well, done with his meal.

"We should get going," he said monotonously, alerting Harry that something was up.

However, Harry didn't want to start something, so he simply nodded and fled up their blanket leading Louis down the hill and back to their car.

"How did you find this place?" Louis asked after a while.

"Remember that time on tour when I went out for a night alone?" Harry answered with a question.

"Which time," Louis grumbled, recalling all the nights when Harry had left him alone in the hotel only to come back with someone else.

"You know, when I didn't come back until the next day."

Louis still didn't remember, but he told Harry he did quietly and returned to staring out the window as the world rushed by.

"Well that's where I went," he said. "It feels like home."

Ouch, Louis thought sadly. "I thought I felt like home."


That was fun. I'm hungry
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