Chapter 14

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"Oh my god," Harry groaned, rubbing his stomach. "I'm so full I think I might explode."

"Yeah," Louis replied, massaging his as well. "So full of grease I'm going to break out like crazy."

"We're all in this together," Harry sang half-heartedly, revving the car back up and pulling out of the  McDonalds parking lot. "I've never actually seen high school musical," he said, laughing a bit. "Gemma had outgrown it by the time I was allowed to watch it, so I just never did."

"Seriously," Louis said, face palming as he remembered all the hours of his life he'd spent in front of Troy and Gabriella. "You have no idea how many times I've seen that,"

"Sucks for you," Harry replied, pushing down hard on the gas pedal now that they were on the highway.

Reaching over to turn the radio back on, Louis' hand brushed Harry's, and he felt a shock run up his arm. He mumbled something under his breath before singing along to the radio softly. "Moats and boats, and waterfalls. Alleyways, and payphone calls, I have been everywhere with you," he sang, hardly louder than a whisper. He didn't think Harry could hear him.

"That's true," he sang, finishing what Louis started. Louis grinned and continued.

"Laugh until we think we'll die, barefoot on a summer night. Never could be sweeter than with you."

"Home, let me come home!" They belted out the windows, singing to the world. "Home is wherever I'm with you."

Slowly, their singing stopped and their laughter faded into a comfortable silence. Louis was so bloody content, so unbelievably happy in that moment that he couldn't stop the grin on his face in the slightest.

"Let's play a game," Harry suggested after a few moments. "Two truths and a lie," he added. "You go first."

"Okay," he said, taking a few seconds to come up with his first set. "I'm shitty at piano, I like your hair long, and socks aren't practical." Louis stated.

Harry knew the answer off the bat, as soon as he had heard the first one out of Louis mouth.  "You're not shitty at piano," he answered easily. Louis just laughed.

"No," he said. "That's true, I can only play one song-"

"But you can play it well!" Harry whined in protest. Louis just shook his head before continuing.

"And socks are practical, I just don't like them."

"Fine," Harry huffed. "I've never broken a bone, I've never had anything waxed, and I love karaoke."

Louis had to think about that one, he couldn't remember if Harry had ever broken a bone, and he thought Harry had had something waxed, though he wasn't totally sure. To top that off, Harry always refused to join him in karaoke.

"You have never broken a bone, you don't love karaoke, and you haven't had anything waxed," he answered.

"Ha!" Harry grinned victoriously, making Louis jut out his lip in a pout. "I got my legs waxed once in tenth year during a game of truth or dare."

"Well," Louis said, determined to win this round. "When I was little, I used to dress up like a girl. Also, I once won a skateboarding competition, and I hate Shakespeare."

"I highly doubt you used to dress up like a little girl," Harry replied instantly. "Although, I can't see you winning a skateboarding competition, no offence, love. Also, you act. Don't all actors love Shakespeare?" Harry concluded, although it wasn't a conclusion since all he had managed to do was make himself even more inconclusive. He went with his gut, however. "The first one's a lie."

"Wrong!" Louis chimed gleefully.

"Really?" Harry said, surprised. "That's hot," he whispered under his breath, but Louis heard him loud and clear, a blush rose to his cheeks.

"I was the only one who showed up to the skateboarding competition," he admitted truthfully.

"I don't know how to ride a bike," Harry butted in.

"No joke?" Louis asked, not using his filter. He blushed even harder when he realized that was just Harry taking his turn. "Sorry, go on."

"I love horror movies, and I don't know how to snowboard," Harry finished.

"So you really don't know how to ride a bike," said Louis with a smirk. That's just too cute, he thought to himself.

"Pfft, I totally love horror movies!" Harry interrupted, realizing how stupid it sounded when Louis said the right answer aloud. he was shot a knowing glance from the older boy that shut him up.

"I love solving math equations, I got my first car when I was eight, and I don't like cats," he said. "At all."

"You don't like cats?" Harry exclaimed, infuriated. "That is the lie," he stated firmly. "It has to be."

"Awe," Louis complained. "It wasn't supposed to be that easy,"

"Too bad," Harry chirped. "I hate all fast food except McDonalds, I don't like sour patch kids, and I've never tried creme brûlée."

"I hope you've never tried creme brûlée," Louis said. "That stuff is nasty, and I know you're lying about fast food, I've never seen anyone run faster than that time you wanted A&W."

"Whatever," Harry whined. "Your go."

"I hated the names Phoebe and Daisy before the twins were born, I gave Zayn a hand job on the tours once, and then he left," Louis took a deep breath, seeing Harry's jaw drop in disbelief. "And," he whispered. "I like you."

"You gave Zayn a hand job?" Harry cried out.

"What? No, ew," Louis said. "That was the lie."

"But, you said, you, you know, like me."

"Yeah," Louis whispered ashamed. "Yeah, I did."


aha, I've never actually seen high school musical either, don't jude. Poor Lou :(

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