Chapter 25

524 33 165

Rewritten on August 19


"So, boyfriend," Louis giggled, gently nudging Harry with his elbow to get his attention.

'Boyfriend' was the term Louis had been using as much as possible to get Harry's attention for the past few hours.

"If this is our last full day of driving," he said. "This will be our last big chunk of time together for a while."

It hadn't escaped Harry's mind that their trip was almost up, in fact, far from it. However, it didn't mean that it did not upset Harry.

"Don't talk like that," he pouted.

"Like what?" Louis questioned.

Frowning, Harry shot Louis a frustrated glare. "Like this is the end."

"Well, it sort of is," Louis pointed out.

"The end of what, though?" Harry asked incredulously. "The road trip? Or our relationship?"

Now, Louis was frightened. "The road trip," he corrected. "You're my boyfriend, and you have been, for, like, three hours. We've got to last longer than that."

A little grin appeared on Harry's face. Why was he thinking about the end of their relationship when it had only officially started that afternoon?

"You're right," Harry smiled sheepishly at how insecure he was being. It was just so unlike him to not have a plan. But maybe that was a good thing, maybe it was time for him to let loose a little. To learn that life isn't lived in straight lines and ninety degree angles.

It was quiet, then. The boys didn't talk, they just thought about all the things they would miss from the trip. Well, Louis did.

Harry realized that tonight was their last night, meaning that this would be their last dinner date. He had to make it romantic, yet something Louis would like. They had money to go out to a fancy restaurant any other time; so, what was symbolic to this road trip?

The answer was simple, McDonalds.


"Put on the blindfold, babe," Harry commanded, holding the bandana that had previously been in his hair out to Louis.

"But why?" Louis cried, exasperated. "I don't want to."

"It's not a surprise if you can see where we're going," Harry complained, attempting to get Louis to put it on.

"Fine," Louis groaned. "You know I love a good surprise."

"Brilliant," Harry grinned cheekily, tying the bandana around Louis' eyes and guiding them back towards their car.

They were in a McDonald's parking lot, with Harry holding their food in a takeout bag as he attempted to push Louis down into his seat. Complying, Louis let Harry buckle him in and return to the drivers seat.

"Hold this," Harry instructed, placing their food on Louis' lap before swinging in to the car and starting it up. "Thanks, love."

Louis whined as Harry revved the engine, his blindfold rubbing his ear the wrong way. It was uncomfortable.

"I can't wait until we get there," Louis stated. He figured if he bothered Harry enough, he would tell them where they were going. Sure, Louis loved surprises, but he also liked to know where he was at all times.

Harry whacked Louis upside the head lightly. He laughed when Louis attempted to hit him back, and his hand connected with the dashboard instead.

"You're so annoying," Harry said.

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