Chapter 9

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"Would you rather only eat bacon or chocolate for the rest of your life?" Asked Louis, starting up another highway conversation.

"Are drinks available?" Retorted Harry, he was going to be thorough with his answers this time, playing this with the boys showed that they could easily twist his words around.

"Sure, why not," answered Louis.

"Tough," Harry mumbled. You see, chocolate made Harry very, very thirsty, so if he had drinks he would have no problem with eating that forever. There was not a bacon flavoured drink, though, so if Harry were to go with chocolate, he would be forever without the taste of bacon. "Bacon," he replied finally.

"Nice," said Louis. "Though I'd go with chocolate, 'cause, you know, I'm in love with it and stuff."

"'Course you are," said Harry. "Would you rather lick Niall's armpit, or Liam's foot?"

"Has Niall been exercising?" Inquired Louis.

"Intensely, just got back from a run."

"Liam's foot," answered Louis.

"That's absolutely horrid. I don't think I could've even answered that, props to you," said Harry.

"Mario Kart or Super Mario Bros?" Louis asked.

"Mario Kart all the way," retorted Harry, easily this time. "I've never lost you."

"Would you rather," Harry trailed off, he was running out of ideas. The song changed. Kiss with a fist, Harry though. Kiss, perfect. "Kiss Niall or Liam?"

"Ew!" Louis made a disgusted face. "What is it with you and all the gross things having to do with Niall and Liam!"

"You think kissing is gross? I bet you still think girls have cooties, awe," Harry cooed at the still horrified Louis.

"Purely off the fact that Liam is take, making it even more putrid than it already is, I have to say Niall."

"Niall and Louis, sittin' in a tree, K-I-"

"Enough!" Shouted Louis over the other boys singing. That was gross, and if he were kissing someone in a tree, he'd rather it be Harry.

"Fine, fine," Harry giggled.

"Would you rather kiss," Louis started. "Zayn or me?" Inwardly, he was freaking out. He couldn't believe he had asked Harry that. Of course, he wanted to know the answer. But did he? Really? Because what if Harry said Zayn, what if Harry was so utterly disgusted by the mere thought-

"Easy, you." Harry said nonchalantly, looking ahead as if he hadn't just caused Louis' insides to flip and knot and get all riled up, because Harry said he wanted to kiss Louis.

"What?" Louis choked out incredulously.

"Well, easy. Zayn' taken, and he left the band so it's already awkward enough when I see him, and you're you. Nothing would change," he said.

With that, Louis' world sinks back down because of course Harry didn't want to kiss him like that, it was just made more sense.

"Cool," Louis murmured. "Cool." But it so, so was not cool at all.


"Hey, Lou?"

"Yeah," he answered glumly from the passengers seat. Louis couldn't shake the feeling that it was him, not Harry that was why they weren't together.

"Are you hungry for lunch?"

"No," Louis answered truthfully. No way could he eat with his head this full and his stomach unpleasantly twisted.

"Oh, okay. Well I'm gonna stop at the next Mcdonalds. You should get something to eat."

"Okay," he answered monotonously. This trip was supposed to be fun, and it was for Harry, but Louis? Not so much.

The engine revved and Harry payed and Louis was handed a wrap that he stared at a little too long before taking a bite. Soon enough, they were on the wide, open road again.

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