Ask The God of Mischief

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Greetings Mortals. As part of my punishment in Asgard for attempting to do something useful with your race, my "father" Odin is forcing me to answer any of your rediculous and useless questions you may have.

Im warning you pathetic mortals now not to bore me with your questions.

~ Loki

(Thor speaking- ask him whatever you please. My brother has to answer and do not heed his warning for he cant possibly harm you in any way while locked up in a cell. )

(A/N So im starting an Ask Loki and i dont mean to copy anyone else by doing this so I will try to make it a bit more. original. So start asking Loki!!!! I will respond to all of your questions)

Ask Loki, The God of MischiefWhere stories live. Discover now